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Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy #2
Published as Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy (I:2) Issue #2, 1996, 36pp. “Annotation To The Egyptian Descent In The Descents From Antiquity Charts” by Chris Bennett, PhD, FSO Reviews: KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt review by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Gregory W. Pedlow. The Survival of the Hessian Nobility: 1770-1870, review by William Setzekork, FAS, OAA, LMR “De Domo et Familia David: Descents to the House of Plantagenet: Part 2” by The Hon. Knight de Bryan, FSO, ODI, OC, OCC, SDLKJ “Browsing in The Augustan Library” by Librarian Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Some Websites and UseNet Newsgroups Pertaining to Royal and Noble Genealogy and History Queries
Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy #1
Published as Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy (I:1) issue #1, 1995, 36pp, including: Fit Enough For a Queen: HM Queen Marie of Romania and the Maryhill Museum, by William Rodney Fleck, JD Choice and Master Spirits: Opening the Imperial Tombs at Speyer Cathedral, August 1900, by Grant Michael Menzies, FAS, FSO The Blood's The Thing: An Interview with Dr. Malcolm Potts, co-author of Queen Victoria's Gene The Triple Descent of John Lloyd of London from King John of England with an additional descent from Henry I, by Robert Joseph Curfman, FAS/hc Journal of the Lithuanian Royal Nobility Association: A Review Editorial Newsbriefs