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ICI Members' Newsletter #25
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #25, March 1997, 16pp (376–391), including A Rejoinder to Wm. Setzkorn; by Sir Wilson Van Dusen, KtB International Institute of Something Else; by Chev. William Setzekorn. LMR, CLJ, KJ, NN One Man's Thoughts On the Question of "The Origin of Chivalry"; by Jack Boddington Pilgrimage & Crusade: Part IV; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook When Am I Like A Knight? by Don Glossinger, Jr.. KCR Does Chivalry Have a Future? by Bryan R. Clayton, Esq. Further Responses to ICI Referendum #18 Responses to Referendum #19 Director's Comments
ICI Members' Newsletter #26
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #26, July 1997, 12pp (392–403), including: Pilgrimage & Crusade: Part V; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook Thoughts on the Order of the Garter; by Col. Donald R. Perkins, FAS, OAA, KCR, SDLKJ, ODI Why & Why Not; by Thomas Paul Westgaard A Modest Proposal (with apologies to Jonathan Swift) Letter to the Editor An Answer to the "Validation" of The Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem in the British Realm; by Jack Boddington Recent Book: A knight's journey to the great Marian shrines of Europe Responses to Referendum #20 Director's Comments
ICI Members' Newsletter #27
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #27, October 1977, 12pp (404–415), including: Pilgrimage & Crusade: Part VI; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook The Calling of Knights; by Bryan R. Clayton, KSM A Case for Charity; by Thomas Paul Westgaard Recent Niadh Nash Admissions in Europe Fionn Mac Cumhail, the Ultimate Irish Champion; by Garry Eugene Bryant, KCR Comparison of Rank; by Thomas Paul Westgaard Interesting Books; by Colleen M. Method Responses to Referendum #21 Director's Comments
ICI Members' Newsletter #28
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #28, January 1998, 12pp (416–427), including: Pilgrimage & Crusade: Part VII; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook Northridge Knights; by Garry Eugene Bryant The Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem: Grades and Insignia of the Order, Part I; by Jack Boddington Responses to Referendum #22 Director's Comments
ICI Members' Newsletter #29
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #29, March 1998, 12pp (428–439), including: The Centennial Medallion of St. John Ambulance in Canada; by Jack Boddington The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem: Grades and Insignia of the Order, Part II: Insignia of the Order; by Jack Boddington The Knightly Ideal: St. George Victor & Martyr; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook British Hereditary Distinctions in America; by Col. Donald R. Perkins Responses to Referendum #23 Director's Comments
ICI Members' Newsletter #30
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #30, October 2001, 16pp (440–454), including: There are no "false" Orders New Nobles: Aristocracy by Choice in the United States of America Status Symbol: A Medal We Buy for Ourselves Anonymous Attacks and Internet Terrorism A Summary of the Past—A Resolve for the Future A Review of Some Literature Some Notes for Supporters of His Late Majesty King Peter II All submissions in this issue by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y)
ICI Members' Newsletter #31
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #31, March 2002, 16pp (455–470), including: Reactions to ICI Newsletter Number 30 To "Crusade" or not to "Crusade" Social Ranks and Social Distinctions A Comment on the Social Rank of Esquire syn'cre-tism Historical Revisionism The Battle of Hattin 1187: Three Views Of Templars & Sissies Some further thoughts on 9/11; by Robert Cleve, PhD, ICI A Complaint? Books of Interest and Value When is a Knight not a Knight? by Forest E. Barber, KMT, KCN, KH reprinted from Chivalry I:3, 1975, p.34 Director's Note to Knights Bachelor of Yugoslavia
ICI Members' Newsletter #32
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #32, April 2002, 12pp (471–482), including: The Way of the Cross Absurdities of Chivalry Advice to Those Who Want to Join an Order International Chivalric Institute: 15th Anniversary; by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Warrior-Monks of the Middle Ages Book Reviews: The Rule of the Templars by J.M. Upton-Ward; review by Ronald Brennan, EOT The Knight's Fee by Rosemary Sutcliff; review by Seax S. Savage
ICI Members' Newsletter #33
Published as ICI Members' NL issue #33, June 2002, 16pp (483–498), including: Some Nice Comments and Some Statistics; by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) A Clarification on the Hereditary Rights of Roman Emperors; by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Three Key Principles in the War Against Terrorism; by Benjamin Netanyahu reprinted from Imprimis XXXI:6, June 2002 Some Publications of Note—and Some Surprisingly Good Books! A Foot-note on The MacCarthy Mor Absurdities of Chivalry: Part II; by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Some Awards of Merit; by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y)
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #31
Published as Newsletter of the Noble Company of the Rose #31, Autumn 2002, 2pp, including: Knightly Humor A Knight or Dame of the Rose Certificate of Membership Knights' Chapel A Quote Worth Remembering Masters of the Noble Company of the Rose since Revived in 1975 Rose Day [2002]
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #32
Published as Newsletter of the Noble Company of the Rose #32, Summer 2003, 3pp, including: Rose Day [2003] The Knight's Chapel "Easy to Become a Noble" Editorial Essay, by Richard Count Andriano-Moore, LMR Turkey and Women Generals The Prince of Wales On Duty; by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus A Hungarian Count First to Grow Grapes in California
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #33
Published as The Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #29 [sic], March 2012, 2pp, including: Election Probationary Period for New Members Duties of Dames/Knights When am I Like a Knight? by Don Glossinger, Jr., KCR Charity