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Augustaeum #11
Published as Augustæum III:3, issue #11, November 1996, 8pp, including: Outstanding Financial Support 1995–1996 Fiscal Society Awards and Honors Members of the Society for 5 to 10 Years Remembering our Deceased Members Donations from Members of the Society
The Augustan Omnibus #123
Published as The Augustan Omnibus, XXIX:3, Issue #123, November 2012, 36pp. Including: The British Royal House Today, by Lee A. Dorland The Arms and Ancestry of the Stockettsof Maryland, by James Duvall Trabue, JD The Royal Race of Deuman, by Robert Formhals, FAS, FSO, with notes and additions by Joseph Uphoff, MH, FAS Book Reviews, by Joseph Uphoff, MH, FAS: Nirmal Dass, ed. & trans., The Deeds of the Franks and Other jerusalem-Bound Pilgrims Joseph V. Montville, ed., History as Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean The First Peoples Committee, by Chris Velline, OAE
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #4
Published as Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #4, [1977], 3pp., including: Rose Day 1977 Annual Remembrance Annual Chapter Schedule of New Knights No Knighte without Arms Munificence of Commander George R. Balling, Kt, KCR
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #5
Published as Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #5, [1977], 2pp., including: Ave et Vale News, etc.
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #6
Published as Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #6, [1978], 5pp., including: Honor Versus Dishonor Honor Received La Noble compagnie de la Rose Armorials for the Chapel of the Rose Christmas Remembrance 1978 Banner of The Noble Company for La Noble compagnia de la Rose Rose Day 1978 Recruitment Lateness of Newsletter
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #7
Published as Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #7, [1978], 3pp., including: Rose Day 1978 Annual Oblations Banner for La Noble compagnie de la Rose Church Capes The Training of a Knight Attachment
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #8
Published as Noble Company of the Rose [#8], November 1979, 2pp., including: Rose Day 1979 Invitation to an Open House in Honour of the Visit of Their Most Serene Highnesses the Prince and Princess zure Lippe
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #9
Published as Noble Company of the Rose [#9], October 1980, 1p, including: Rose Day 1980 Annual Election of Magister Rosae Annual Oblations New Members Church Capes
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #10
Published as Noble Company of the Rose [#10], September 1981, 1p., including: Rose Day 1981 Members to be Received into the Noble Company
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #11
Published as Noble Company of the Rose [#11], September 1982, 2pp., including: Rose Day 1982 Those Charities Benefitting from the Generosity of the Noble Company of the Rose Attachment
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #21
Published as The Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #21, October 1992, 4pp., including: News of the Noble Company Rose Day The Shrine Project Training Update The International Chivalric Institute Idealism Regarding Honor and Tradition
Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #27
Published as The Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter #27, October 1994, 4pp., including: News of the Company, by Wilson Van Dusen, MR Lt. Col. (Rtd.) Oscar H. Stroh, KH, FAS Levels of Meaning, by Don Glossinger The Whole Armor of God A Mystic on Dignity, by E. Swedenborg