Augustan Society Information Bulletin #17
Category: Back Issues » Augustan Society Information BulletinThe Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #17 (VIII:8) August 1965, 26pp.
- Vincent Powell-Smith, GCSA, LLB, JCB. The Order of Saint George of Burgundy. (ASIB17-2)
- Dom William Wilfrid Bayne. An Interesting Heraldic Assumption. (ASIB17-5)
- F. B. Koepnick, Esq. and L. B. Barnes. A Federal Heraldic Authority for the United States of America. (ASIB17-7)
- Carl A. von Volborth. Simple Rules of Marshalling Arms. (ASIB17-9)
- Forest E. Barber, KCN, KMT. Rival Claims to the Thrones of Spain and France. (ASIB17-14)
Book Reviews:
- Leon Gautier, trans. by D. C. Duning. Chivalry. (ASIB17-21a)
- Constance Wright. A Royal Affinity., review by FEB. (ASIB17-21b)
- Carl Alex. von Volborth. re: Observations on “Americans: Second-Class Knights”. (ASIB6-3)
- A. K. von Kupferberg-Hohenberg. re: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem membership. (ASIB11-2b)
- Carl Alex. von Volborth. re: Use of arms in correspondence in Europe. (ASIB17-23a)
- Society news. (ASIB17-23b)