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ICI Members' Newsletter #25

Category: Back Issues » International Chivalric Institute Members' Newsletter

Published as ICI Members' NL issue #25, March 1997, 16pp (376–391), including

  • A Rejoinder to Wm. Setzkorn; by Sir Wilson Van Dusen, KtB
  • International Institute of Something Else; by Chev. William Setzekorn. LMR, CLJ, KJ, NN
  • One Man's Thoughts On the Question of "The Origin of Chivalry"; by Jack Boddington
  • Pilgrimage & Crusade: Part IV; by Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook
  • When Am I Like A Knight? by Don Glossinger, Jr.. KCR
  • Does Chivalry Have a Future? by Bryan R. Clayton, Esq.
  • Further Responses to ICI Referendum #18
  • Responses to Referendum #19
  • Director's Comments
members price: $3.20