Augustan #37
Category: Back Issues » The Augustan Back IssuesThe Augustan issue #37 (X:4) April-May 1967, 62pp.
- Lawrence B. Barnes. Editorial: Chivalry Again. (A37-127)
- Progress Report on The Augustan Roll of Arms. (A37-128)
- Robert W. Formhals. Story of the Presidential Dynasty of the USA. (A37-129)
- Carl-Alex. von Volborth, FAS. Simplicity is Beauty in Heraldry. (A47-142)
- Harry Wright Newman, FAS. A College of Arms for the United States. (A37-147)
- James II, with R. Thomas Cheevers. A Typescript Copy of a Seventeenth Century Peerage Grant of the Kingdom of Ireland. (A37-149)
- R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq. The Augustan Society International Committee for Monarchist Action. (A37-152)
- David A. Trussell, cont. Monarchist Activity in Brazil, reprinted from the New York Times. (A37-153)
- Royalist Activity in Portugal. (A37-153)
- King Peter of Yugoslavia to Visit the United States. (A37-154)
Book Reviews:
- L'Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint-Lazare e Jerusalem et Le Patriarcat Melkite Catholique d'Antioche et de Tout l'Orient, d'Alexandrie et de Jerusalem, review by Larwrence B. Barnes. (A37-155)
- Henry Gough and James Parker.A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry. (A37-161a)
- George Gatfield. Guide to Printed Books and Manuscripts Relating to English and Foreign Heraldry and Genealogy. (A37-161b)
- Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Contained in All Works, 5th ed., review by Forest E. Barber. (A37-161c)
- A. R. Tyrner-Tyrnauer. Lincoln and the Emperors. (A37-164)
- Publications Received. (A37-162)
Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry. (A37-156)
- The Order of St. John the Baptist of America. (A37-157)
- Ordo Supremis Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani. (A37-158)
- Ordre des Chevaliers du Sinai. (A37-159)
- The Military Order of the Collar of St. Agatha of Paterno. (A37-160)
- Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OBS, FAS. Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne additions and corrections. (A36)
- The Augustan: Query & Answer. (A37-167)
- John H. Niocholls, Esq. A Jack of All Trades. (A37-169)
- Paul W. Nichols. re: Degradation and Preservation of Knightly Honor. (ASIB34)
- Carl-Alexander von Volborth, FAS. re: Knights and Orders of Knighthood: An American Opinion. (A36)
- Mrs. E. C. Reece. re: Publication Frequency. (A36)
- Mrs. C. Raymond Cummins. re: Publication Frequency. (A36)
- Richard O. Thornton. re: On Orders of Chivalry. (ASIB30-6) and (A36)
- Capt. Rodney C. Walker. re: von Volborth's letter.
- David Christie-Murray. re: Capt. Rodney C. Walker's letter.
- Herbert Sherman Brush, Jr., cont. Did Kennedy Err in Hunt for Ancestors in Ireland? (A37-176)
- Official Section. (n.p.)