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Augustan #36
The Augustan issue #36 (X:3) March 1967, 41pp. Editorial: Societas Augustana—Quo Vadis? The Dimensions of Genealogy by Dr. J. Robert Carroll Military Heraldry: U.S. Army’s Special Forces "Green Berets" by Lee D. MacMahon, 1stLt., Inf. Book Reviews: Little Manual of Heraldry by C.A. von Volborth Kalender Over Ointroducered adels Forening: 1967 by Johan von Sydow and Leif Pahlsson, review by FEB Heraldica Militar by Sr. Ing. Civ. Don Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirion, review by FEB Wappenrolle Dochtermann by Alfred Dochtermann, review by FEB The Armorial Bearings of Schools by Ref. David Christie-Murray Where to Write for Birth and Death Records: United States and Outlying Areas by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare The Vacant Throne of Spain by Luis León de la Barra FAS Knights and Orders of Knighthood: An American Opinion by Forest B. Barber Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne: Of John Douglas Gillespie by John Douglas Gillespie, ed. by Catherine Foote Moyer Meeting of the Mexico City Members of The Augustan Society Meeting of The Augustan Society in South Pasadena, California Meeting of The Augustan Society in New York City Meeting of The Augustan Society in Michigan Meeting of The Augustan Society in Chicago Progress Report on the Augustan Roll of Arms Queries, letters, etc.
Augustan #37
The Augustan issue #37 (X:4) April-May 1967, 62pp. Lawrence B. Barnes. Editorial: Chivalry Again. (A37-127) Progress Report on The Augustan Roll of Arms. (A37-128) Robert W. Formhals. Story of the Presidential Dynasty of the USA. (A37-129) Carl-Alex. von Volborth, FAS. Simplicity is Beauty in Heraldry. (A47-142) Harry Wright Newman, FAS. A College of Arms for the United States. (A37-147) James II, with R. Thomas Cheevers. A Typescript Copy of a Seventeenth Century Peerage Grant of the Kingdom of Ireland. (A37-149) R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq. The Augustan Society International Committee for Monarchist Action. (A37-152) David A. Trussell, cont. Monarchist Activity in Brazil, reprinted from the New York Times. (A37-153) Royalist Activity in Portugal. (A37-153) King Peter of Yugoslavia to Visit the United States. (A37-154) Book Reviews: L'Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint-Lazare e Jerusalem et Le Patriarcat Melkite Catholique d'Antioche et de Tout l'Orient, d'Alexandrie et de Jerusalem, review by Larwrence B. Barnes. (A37-155) Henry Gough and James Parker.A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry. (A37-161a) George Gatfield. Guide to Printed Books and Manuscripts Relating to English and Foreign Heraldry and Genealogy. (A37-161b) Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Contained in All Works, 5th ed., review by Forest E. Barber. (A37-161c) A. R. Tyrner-Tyrnauer. Lincoln and the Emperors. (A37-164) Publications Received. (A37-162) Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry. (A37-156) The Order of St. John the Baptist of America. (A37-157) Ordo Supremis Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani. (A37-158) Ordre des Chevaliers du Sinai. (A37-159) The Military Order of the Collar of St. Agatha of Paterno. (A37-160) Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OBS, FAS. Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne additions and corrections. (A36) The Augustan: Query & Answer. (A37-167) John H. Niocholls, Esq. A Jack of All Trades. (A37-169) Letters: Paul W. Nichols. re: Degradation and Preservation of Knightly Honor. (ASIB34) Carl-Alexander von Volborth, FAS. re: Knights and Orders of Knighthood: An American Opinion. (A36) Mrs. E. C. Reece. re: Publication Frequency. (A36) Mrs. C. Raymond Cummins. re: Publication Frequency. (A36) Richard O. Thornton. re: On Orders of Chivalry. (ASIB30-6) and (A36) Capt. Rodney C. Walker. re: von Volborth's letter. David Christie-Murray. re: Capt. Rodney C. Walker's letter. Herbert Sherman Brush, Jr., cont. Did Kennedy Err in Hunt for Ancestors in Ireland? (A37-176) Official Section. (n.p.)
Augustan #38
The Augustan issue #38 (X:5) June-July 1967, 74pp. Rodney E. Hartwell and Lawrence B. Barnes. Editorial: Crossing Off the King. (A38-181a) Rodney E. Hartwell, FAS. The Society: Ten Years Old. (A38-181b) Forest E. Barber. The American College of Arms. (A38-182) Col. A. G. Puttock. Australian Heraldry. (A38-184) Capt. Rodney C. Walker. The King and the Generals: Angst in Athens. (A38-185) Edward J. B. Irving. Heraldic Crossword. (A38-187) Rev. F. Wilson Leyland, SSC. Kings of the Dal Réti in Argyll: 502–858 Part V, addenda et corrigenda. (ASIB32)d SSC Reviews: The Fighting Prince of Donegal. Walt Disney Studios, review, Capt. R. Mingo Sweeny. (A38-193) Jiri Louda. European Civic Coats of Arms. (A38-194) James A. Mackay. Malta: The Story of Malta and Her Stamps. (A38-219) Ferdinand de Trazegnies. Garcia. review, FEB. (A38-229) Karl Fürst Schwarzenberg. Die Sankt Wenzels-Krone und die Böhmischen Insignien. review, LBB. (A38-231a) Joseph Valynseele. Les Pretendants aux Thrones d'Europe. review, FEB. (A38-213b) Elmer Garfield Van Name. The Joseph Smith Family of Gloucester and Salem counties, New Jersey; The James Dye Family of Gloucester County, New Jersey. review, FEB. (A38-237a) Irish Genalogical Research Society. A Simple Guide to Irish Heraldry. review, FEB. (A38-237b) Margaret Gleason. Printed Resources for Genealogical Searching in Wisconsin: A Selective Bibliography. review, FEB. (A38-237c) Oma Glasburn Robinsin. David Glassburn—Virginia Pioneer: His Ten Children and Related Families. review, FEB. (A38-237d) Stronghold of the Knights. (A38-195) Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry Part II: Soberana e Imperial Orden de la Corona Azteka. (A38-199) International Constantine Order, Switzerland. (A38-201) The Sovereign Greek Order of St. Dennis of Zante. (A38-203) Capt. Rodney C. Walker, USAF. Dynasties of Al-Islam: 1. The banu-Aghlab. (A38-204) R. Thomas Cheevers. Peace? It's 750 Years Late. (A38-208) John. H. Nicholls, Esq. The Berkeley Dispute. (A38-209) Luis Leon de la Bara, FAS. The Conquest of England, Nine Centuries Ago. (A38-211) Ross Keelye Cook, Esq. Genealogical Corrections. (A38-213) Rev. Dom W. W. Bayne, OSB, FAS. Arms of the Kings of Jerusalem. (A38-216) Benjamin R. Williams, Esq. Problems in German Genealogy. (A38-218) James D. Madden, Esq. A Short Select Bibliography on Old Russia, Czarism and the Romanov Dynasty. (A38-220) Second Postage Issue of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. (A38-223) Carl-Alexander von Volborth, FAS. To Thine Own Self be True. (A38-224) R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq. The Augustan Society International Committee for Monarchist Action: A Report. (A38-227) Prince R. M. N. G. Bassaraba von Brancovan. The Mystery of the Shooting at Mayerling. (A38-228) Ronald W. Leggett, Esq. Augustus: The Subtle Genius who Launched the Parade of Emperors. (A38-230) Aries. The Circus: from the Forum. (A38-232) John H. Nicholls, Esq. Surnames: Permutations and Combinations. (A38-233) Lawrence B. Barnes, Esq. A Patriotic Tribute to the Cincinnati. (A38-234) Lawrence B. Barnes. The Roll of Arms of the Society. (A38-236) Society for the Restoration of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. (A38-238) The Augustan: Query & Answer. (A38-239) Letters: Poriclos Voultsce. re: Chivalry Again. (A37-127) Christopher Borden Paine, Esq. re: American College of Arms. (A37) Capt. Rodney C. Walker, USAF. re: American College of Arms. (A37) Rev. Dom William W. Bayne, OSB, FAS. re: Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne additions and corrections. (A36) Capt. Endre von Tamáska de Baranch. re: Golden Fleece. (A36) Dr. K. G. Klietmann. re: Where Have all the Barnins Gone? or, Once Over Pomerania, Lightly . (A35) Rev. F. Winston Leyland, SSC. re: Government. (ASIB33) Official Section.
The Augustan #39
Published as The Augustan X:6 in August-September 1967, 76pp. Editorial: Old Wine in a New Bottle by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS The Ptolemids of Egypt and Other Places by Capt. Rodney C. Walker FAS Heraldic Crossword answers The Galloglass by Capt. R. Mingo Sweeney The International League of Knights and Dames of Japan Blood Royal: Arabian and European by Forest Ernest Barber The Cid by Rev. Dom W.W. Bayne Book Reviews: Living Descendants of the Blood Royal (in America) by Count d'Angerville, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS Irish Names and Surnames by Rev. Patrick Woulfe His Majesty Simeon II, King of the Bulgarians: Honorary Member of The Augustan Society Her Majesty Margarita, Queen of Bulgaria: Honorary Member of The Augustan Society Bulgaria: Its Royal House and Orders of Chivalry The Evolution of the English Barony by John H. Nicholls An Armorial Banner for President Kennedy by Walter Angst In the Presence of Kings by Luis León de la Barra FAS, KM International Committee for Monarchist Action: A Report by Paul W. Nichols Esq. Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne, ed. by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS The Hereditary Knights of America: The Society of the Cincinnati 1783–1967 Signers of Magna Charta by William Wilfrid Bayne The ASICMA Plot Exposed! by R. Thomas Cheevers Esq. The Colonial Families of the Americas by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS Official Section Letters, queries, etc.
The Augustan #40
Published as The Augustan X:7 in October-November 1967, 87pp. Memorandum from The Editors to the Augustan Society On Auto-Genealogy: Or Fictional Royalty for Fun and Mayhem by Rodney C. Walker FAS, Capt. USAF The Crusades and the Jihad: Two Religious Quests, reprinted from The Arab World, September 1966, by John Watson New Grand Master (of the Order of St. Lazarus) The Descent and Relationship of Some Magna Carta Barons by Victor Bernasconi-Harrington State of Maryland Recognizes the Use of Armorial Bearings by Harry Wright Newman FAS Royal Ball Causes International Incident by Forest E. Barber More on the Cincinnati Mottoes by Michael Duff Newton Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne: Hungarian Descendants of Charlemagne by Capt. Endre v. Tamáska de Baranch Revolutions and Restorations: Some Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution by Lawrence B. Barnes The Ira Sherman Story by Dorothy Mae Johns Restoration of the Ancient Royal Line a Possibility: Ireland a Kingdom by R. Thomas Cheevers and Rev. F. Winston Leyland SSC The Baronial Blounts and Some of Their Descendants by William Wilfred Bayne OSB Book Reviews: Colonial ancestors of Edward jackson (1741-1807): Revolutionary War Soldier by Gladys Stutler Hoffman, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Paullin Family of Southern New Jersey by Elmer Garfield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Anthony Nelson: Seventeenth Century Pennsylvania and New Jersey by Elmer Garvield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Elwell Family: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Southern New Jersey by Elmer Garfield Van Name, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Christopher Shaver, Broad Neck, Salem County, New Jersey and some of his Descendants: With Data on Seeds, Nelson, Hartman, Atkinson and Parks Families by Elmer Garfield Van Name, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS John Davis, His Wife, Dorothea (Gotherson) Davis, Early Salem County, New Jersey Quakers and Some of Their Descendants (Including Samuel Morgan and John Brick Lines), Royal and Magna Carta Ancestors by Catherine Soleman Chandler and Elmer Garfield Van Name, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Phebe Shaver Lacy and her Descendants, based upon information supplied by Leon A. Lacy, Sr. and his relatives in 1967, Being a supplement to Christopher Shaver, Broad Neck, Salem County, New Jersey and Some of His Descendants by Elmer Garfield Van Name, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Heraldic Monograph Series of the American Society of Heraldry: Being a Presentation of the Heraldic Art of the Reverend Dom William Wilfrid Bayne OSB, review by Forest E. Barber American Badges and Insignia by Evans E. Kerrigan Official Section Chain of Office of The Augustan Society by Forest E. Barber Letters, queries, etc.
The Augustan #41
Published as The Augustan X:8 in December 1967, 36pp. Season’s Greetings from the Editors Heraldic Art of Carl-Alexander von Volborth FAS: A preview of a forthcoming new book Notes on the Genealogy of the Earls of Lennox by Rev. F. Winston Leyland SSC The Descent and Relationships of Some Magna Carta Barons by Victor Bernasconi-Harrington Official Section; Letters; etc.
The Augustan #42
Published as The Augustan XI:1 in January-February 1968, 91pp. A Visit to the Country of the King of Kings by Luis León de la Barra FAS, KM Would You Rather be Impaled or Bitten, or Does it make any Difference? by Capt. Rodney C. Walker FAS State Flags by Col. Harrison W. Gill The Mon: The Japanese Family Badge or House Mark by H. Carroll Parish PhD MAS Mexican Cultural Institutes by Luis León de la Barra FAS The Comneni Emperors of Thebizond: 1204-1461 by Rev. F. Winston Leyland SSC Book Reviews: Los Monteros de Espinosa by Rufno de Pereda Merino Estudio Histórico Sobre algunas Familias Espanolas Vol. II, by Alfonso de Figueroa y Melgar Coronas de Castila en Venezuela by Alejandro Mario Capriles, review by FEB Kloster und Aebtewappen der Schweizer Benedictiner Kongregation by Hans Lengweiler Central Pennsylvania Genealogy Magazine, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Housman (Huysman)-Simonson Family of Staten Island, New York by Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Pierre Billiou, the Walloon, Staten Island Pioneer by Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Weeks Family of Southern New Jersey including Ezekiel Weeks, 1750-1817, Zephantah Weeks, 1758-1831, Weeks (Wicks) of Cape May County by Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Baronial Blounts and Some of Their Descendants by Rev. Dom William W. Bayne OSB, FAS (completed) The Colonial Families of the Americas II edited by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS Official Section Editorial, letters, queries, etc.
The Augustan #43
Published as The Augustan XI:2 in March-April 1968, 62pp. Editorial: What are they now? Continuity of Charges in an Ancient Clan’s Arms by Captain R. Mingo Sweeney Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry Part III: The Royal Dalcassian Order ed. by R. Thomas Cheevers Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne through King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine by Robert W. Formhals An Heraldic Mystery by Maj. Rafael Gijón USAR Huntingfleld by Ross Keelye Cook FAS The Man in The Iron Mask by John H. Nicholls The Flow Chart Method and Heraldic Enquiries by F.S. Stych, reprinted from RQ The Scottish Genealogy Society by Donald Whyte FSA (Scot) The Ulster-Scot Historical Society by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Book Reviews: Orders and Medals of Japan and Associated States by James W. Peterson, review by Gary C. Krug The Crusades by Zoé Oldenbourg, review by Capt. Rodney C. Walker FAS The Highland Clans by Sir Ian Moncrieff of that Ilk, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Scottish Genealogist by Ivor R. Guild WS, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS English Surnames by Mrs. Constance Mary Carrington Matthews Genealogical Periodical Annual Index Vol. 5, by George Ely Russel CG, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Primer of Genealogical Research by Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris (Louise Elizabeth Burton Morris), review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Lineages and Genealogical Notes by Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris FHG CG, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Simonson Families of Staten Island, New York by Elmer Garfield Van Name LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Letter by William Wilfrid Bayne re: "The Descent and Relationship of Some Magna Carta Barons" Official Section; Reports; etc.
The Augustan #44
Published as The Augustan XI:3 in May-June 1968, 64pp. The Templars in Portugal by Dr. Giorgio A. Masini Military Heraldry: Arms of the 17th Bombardment Wing, United States Air Force by Lt. Donald M. Bishop USAF, illus. by Rev. Dom William W. Bayne It Might Have Been: A Monarchist-Revisionist Pseudo History by D.F. Barry Japanese Medals by Maj. Alan W Hazelton Wearing of Order of St. John of Jerusalem Kings of Cyprus: 1197–1489 by William Wilfrid Bayne FAS Instituto Sanmartiniano de México by Luis León de la Barra FAS Queen’s Body Wanted by Portugal Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry: Genealogy of the Grand Master of the Order of St. Lazarus by Forest E. Barber Arms of Public Bodies and Institutions by Leslie G. Pine An ASIGMA Report: The Return of Spain’s Last Reigning Queen, trans. by Miss Carolyn La Fleur, ed. by R. Thomas Cheevers Book Reviews by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS: Researching the Family History for Beginners by Richard E. Holben Franc Family, Descendants of Rector Peter Franck of Kvillenge Parish, Linkoping diocese, Ostergotland, Sweden, Son of Peter Franck of Alsace by Rev. Samuel E. Franc The Colonial Families of the Americas III ed. by Rodney Hartwell FAS Official Section Editorial, letters, etc.
The Augustan #45
Published as The Augustan XI:4, Number 45, in July-August 1968, 62pp., including: The President’s Message 1968 The Vagaries of the Scottish Earldom of Crawford by John H. Nicholls The Society of Descendants of King William I, The Conqueror and His Companions at Arms: Organized and Chartered in England in the 900th Anniversary Year of the Battle of Hastings AD 1066 - AD 1967 The Mandarinate: From the Shang to the Ta Ch'ing (Mancu) Dynasties by Robert W. Formhals Nicholas II: A Bibliography by James D. Madden Ministers and Kings by Richard O. Thornton Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne: H.M. King Peter II of Yugoslavia by The Prince Valdimir Eletski, ed. by Rodney E. Hartwell, FAS A Church In Jordan New Seal, Coat of Arms adopted by University of Akron by Carl D. Marmaduke The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Priory of Greater Chicago by Phillip M. Weber To Arms, Anyone? by Mrs. Estill Carl Reece, FAS The Iron Crown of Lombardy by the Rev. Canon Enrico S. Molnar, ThD Book Reviews: The Hays County Historical and Genealogical Society Inc. Quarterly, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS Genalogical Reference Builders by Robertalee Lent, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS Gleanings from the Heart of the Cornbelt, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS The Joseph Smith Family of Gloucester and Salem Counties, NJ: The James Dye Family of Gloucester Co., NJ by Elmer Garfield Van Name, LLB, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS Malta: Periodico di Informazioni Del-l'Ambasciata a Malta del Sovrano Militare Ordine Oespedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, di Rodi e di Malta, review by R.E. Hartwell, FAS Eleanor of Aqitaine by Regine Pernoud, trans. by Peter Wiles Napoleon's Viceroy: Eugéne de Beauharnais by Carola Oman Thomas Becket by Richard Winston King Henry V: A Biography by Harold F. Hutchison Caterina Sforza: A Renaissance Virago by Ernst Breisach Catherine, The Queen by Mary M. Luke Grand Masters of the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem by Rodney E. Hartwell, FAS Official Section Queries, letters, etc.
The Augustan #46
Published as The Augustan XI:5 in September-October 1968, 63pp. Editorial Introduction The Ninth International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry reported by Harry Wright Newman FAS The Ninth International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry reported by Leslie Gilbert Pine Esq. Report on the Planning Session for the World Convention and Seminar on Genealogy, and World Conference on Records, to be Held in 1969 in Salt Lake City reported by Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris CG, FHG Actividades de la Sociedad Potosina de Estudios Historicos, por Doña Matilde Cabrera Ypiña de Corsi, reprinted from the Boletin of the Sociedad Potosina de Estudios Historicos (in Spanish) Activities of the Sociedad Potosina de Estudios Historicos by por Doña Matilde Cabrera Ypiña de Corsi (English translation) The Russian Priories of the Order of Malta and Modern Claims of Descendancy by Dr. J. Robert Carroll The World’s Earliest Heraldry? by Michael Duff Newton The Lordship of Abergavenny by Rev. Dom William W. Bayne OSB, FAS The Confederacy’s Great Seal by Edward A. Wenzl Saint Irene: Daughter of Saint László of Hungary, Empress of the East-Roman Empire by Kálmán Széll de Duka at Szent-György Book Reviews: Tartans and Highland Dress by Charles Roy MacKinnon of Dunakin FSA, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Highlands in History by Charles Roy MacKinnon of Dunakin FSA, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Scotland's Heraldry by Charles Roy MacKinnon of Dunakin FSA, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Your Family Tree by David Starr Jordan PhD, LLD, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS House Mottoes and Inscriptions: Old and New by S.F.A. Caulfield, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Names and Their Meaning: A Book for the Curious by Leopold Wagner, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS History of Christian Names by Charlotte M. Yonge, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS The Genealogical Digest: Serving Families Originating in Essex Co., Mass., review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Sangamon County Genealogical Society Quarterly, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Family Tree Wall-Chart, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Leo VI's Concept of Divine Monarchy Illustrated in a Cave Chapel by Dorothy Wood, review by Rev. Dom William W. Bayne OSB, FAS The Great Regent: Louise of Savoy 1476-1531 by Dorothy Moulton Mayer The Young Emperors: Rome, AD 193-244 by George C. Brauer Jr. Castles and Churches of the Crusading Kingdom by T.S.R. Boase The Crime of Mary Stuart by George Malcolm Thomson The Escape of Charles II After the Battle of Worcester by Richard Ollard The Betrayal of Richard III by V.B. Lamb Le Petit Gotha Illustre by Arnaud Chaffanjon The Colonial Families of the Americas IV ed. by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS Official Section Letters, etc.
The Augustan #47
Published as The Augustan (XI:6) Issue #47, November-December 1968, 83pp. Editorial: “The Roll of Arms” “The Earldom of Thomond” by R. Thomas Cheevers, FAS “The French Peerage” by John H. Nicholls, FAS “The Richard III Society” by James D. Madden “Genealogy of the Noble House of Ibelin” trans. by Crolian William Edelen, FAS “The Asmonean and Herodian Kings of Judea” by Rev. Dom W. Wilfrid Bayne, FAS “New Orleans 1718–1968” by Richard M. Martin Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry: “The Supreme Military Order of Calatrava” “The Royal Military Order of the Principality of Gerona” trans. by Miss Patricia A. Crosland, ed. by R. Thomas Cheevers, FAS “The Institute for the Study of Society Medals” by Walter G. Green “Les Ordres de Chevalerie, Decorations et la Philatelie” by Albert Bougerolle “Commentary on the Chronological Chart of the Age of John Hus” by the Rev. Canon Enrico S. Molnar, ThD Book Reviews, by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS: C.J. Parry, comp. Index of Baronetage Creations, review by John H. Nicholls Olgerd de Sherbowitz-Wetzor and Prince Cyrille Toumanoff. L'Ordre de Malte et L'Empire de Russie, review by Dr. J. Robert Carroll The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans Col. Wm. H. Powell, US Army, comp. List of Officers of the Army of the United States from 1779 to 1900 Henry Gough and James Parker. A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, New ed. Col. Ralph F. Miles USAR Ret. Family History With Name Origin and Lineage Lines: Harris Col. Ralph F. Miles USAR Ret. Family History With Name Origin and Lineage Lines: Roberts Col. Ralph F. Miles USAR Ret. Family History With Name Origin and Lineage Lines: Lewis Col. Ralph F. Miles USAR Ret. Supplement to Lewis Name History Oris H.F. Randolf. The Descendants of Mary Good: A Genealogy Including the Family Lines of Brees, Cox, Good, Huitt, Howard, McAvoy, Parsons, Patterson, Russell, from Ireland to America, 1849-1967 Vallie Jo Whitfield. Whitfield, McKeel, Fox, Schiefer Families Wilmer Mackey Sanner. The Sanner Faily in the U.S.A. (Volumes I, II, III, IV, and V bound together) Georgia Pioneers Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, comp. Abstracts of Will Book I: Nash County, North Carolina 1778-1868 Bernard Faÿ, Patrick O'Brian, trans. Louis XVI: Or the End of a World “The Augustan Bookman” by the Rev. James Parker Official Section: Meetings in Chicago, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. Announcement of Engagement of Miss Patricia Anne Crosland to Rodney E. Hartwell Letters, comments, queries, etc.