Augustan #38
Category: Back Issues » The Augustan Back IssuesThe Augustan issue #38 (X:5) June-July 1967, 74pp.
- Rodney E. Hartwell and Lawrence B. Barnes. Editorial: Crossing Off the King. (A38-181a)
- Rodney E. Hartwell, FAS. The Society: Ten Years Old. (A38-181b)
- Forest E. Barber. The American College of Arms. (A38-182)
- Col. A. G. Puttock. Australian Heraldry. (A38-184)
- Capt. Rodney C. Walker. The King and the Generals: Angst in Athens. (A38-185)
- Edward J. B. Irving. Heraldic Crossword. (A38-187)
- Rev. F. Wilson Leyland, SSC. Kings of the Dal Réti in Argyll: 502–858 Part V, addenda et corrigenda. (ASIB32)d SSC
- The Fighting Prince of Donegal. Walt Disney Studios, review, Capt. R. Mingo Sweeny. (A38-193)
- Jiri Louda. European Civic Coats of Arms. (A38-194)
- James A. Mackay. Malta: The Story of Malta and Her Stamps. (A38-219)
- Ferdinand de Trazegnies. Garcia. review, FEB. (A38-229)
- Karl Fürst Schwarzenberg. Die Sankt Wenzels-Krone und die Böhmischen Insignien. review, LBB. (A38-231a)
- Joseph Valynseele. Les Pretendants aux Thrones d'Europe. review, FEB. (A38-213b)
- Elmer Garfield Van Name. The Joseph Smith Family of Gloucester and Salem counties, New Jersey; The James Dye Family of Gloucester County, New Jersey. review, FEB. (A38-237a)
- Irish Genalogical Research Society. A Simple Guide to Irish Heraldry. review, FEB. (A38-237b)
- Margaret Gleason. Printed Resources for Genealogical Searching in Wisconsin: A Selective Bibliography. review, FEB. (A38-237c)
- Oma Glasburn Robinsin. David Glassburn—Virginia Pioneer: His Ten Children and Related Families. review, FEB. (A38-237d)
- Stronghold of the Knights. (A38-195)
Augustan Society Register of Orders of Chivalry Part II:
- Soberana e Imperial Orden de la Corona Azteka. (A38-199)
- International Constantine Order, Switzerland. (A38-201)
- The Sovereign Greek Order of St. Dennis of Zante. (A38-203)
- Capt. Rodney C. Walker, USAF. Dynasties of Al-Islam: 1. The banu-Aghlab. (A38-204)
- R. Thomas Cheevers. Peace? It's 750 Years Late. (A38-208)
- John. H. Nicholls, Esq. The Berkeley Dispute. (A38-209)
- Luis Leon de la Bara, FAS. The Conquest of England, Nine Centuries Ago. (A38-211)
- Ross Keelye Cook, Esq. Genealogical Corrections. (A38-213)
- Rev. Dom W. W. Bayne, OSB, FAS. Arms of the Kings of Jerusalem. (A38-216)
- Benjamin R. Williams, Esq. Problems in German Genealogy. (A38-218)
- James D. Madden, Esq. A Short Select Bibliography on Old Russia, Czarism and the Romanov Dynasty. (A38-220)
- Second Postage Issue of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. (A38-223)
- Carl-Alexander von Volborth, FAS. To Thine Own Self be True. (A38-224)
- R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq. The Augustan Society International Committee for Monarchist Action: A Report. (A38-227)
- Prince R. M. N. G. Bassaraba von Brancovan. The Mystery of the Shooting at Mayerling. (A38-228)
- Ronald W. Leggett, Esq. Augustus: The Subtle Genius who Launched the Parade of Emperors. (A38-230)
- Aries. The Circus: from the Forum. (A38-232)
- John H. Nicholls, Esq. Surnames: Permutations and Combinations. (A38-233)
- Lawrence B. Barnes, Esq. A Patriotic Tribute to the Cincinnati. (A38-234)
- Lawrence B. Barnes. The Roll of Arms of the Society. (A38-236)
- Society for the Restoration of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. (A38-238)
- The Augustan: Query & Answer. (A38-239)
- Poriclos Voultsce. re: Chivalry Again. (A37-127)
- Christopher Borden Paine, Esq. re: American College of Arms. (A37)
- Capt. Rodney C. Walker, USAF. re: American College of Arms. (A37)
- Rev. Dom William W. Bayne, OSB, FAS. re: Descent from the Emperor Charlemagne additions and corrections. (A36)
- Capt. Endre von Tamáska de Baranch. re: Golden Fleece. (A36)
- Dr. K. G. Klietmann. re: Where Have all the Barnins Gone? or, Once Over Pomerania, Lightly . (A35)
- Rev. F. Winston Leyland, SSC. re: Government. (ASIB33)
- Official Section.