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The Augustan #49

Category: Back Issues » The Augustan Back Issues

Published as The Augustan XII:2 in March-April 1969, 71pp.

  • A Short Guide to Amateur Genealogy (With Emphasis on the Short) by Captain Rodney C. Walker FAS
  • A Family Tree by Edward J.B. Irving
  • The Lords of Adelon by Crolian W. Edelen FAS
  • Lines Which Shaped La Hispanidad, Introduction by Alfonso de Figueroa y Melgar, Marqués de Gauna, translated by Patricia Crosland Hartwell
  • The Carlist Succession in Spain by John H. Nicholls FAS
  • Crowns, Crests and Coronets: An Augustan Quiz contributed by R. Thomas Cheevers FAS
  • Book Reviews:
    • The Pankey Family of Virginia: 1635-1968 by Wiliam Russell Pankey, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • Land of Arthur (map), review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • U.S. Presidents Genealogy Chart, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • My Maternal Ancestors by Robert B. Powers, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • Mariners of the American Revolution by Marion and Jack Kaminkow, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • Georgia Genealogical Reprints, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • 1966 guide to Genealogical and Historical Research in Pennsylvania, 2nd Ed. by Floyd G. Hoenstine, review by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS
    • Tradition and Custom in Modern Britain by Leslie G. Pine, review by Lawrence B. Barnes
    • Coat-Armour, Annual 1967, review by Lawrence B. Barnes
    • The Book of Chilam Balam of chumayel by Ralph L. Roys, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • Historical Atlas of New Mexico by Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Haase, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • Crown Jewels of Iran by V.B. Meen and A.D. Tushingham, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • The Knights of St. John in the British Realm: Being the Official History of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem by Col. Sir Edwin King, rev. by Sir Harry Luke, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • The Knights Templars in England by Thomas W. Parker, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • Charles I by Christopher Hibbert, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • Spanish Peru, 1532-1560: A Colonial Society by James Lockhart, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
    • The Mixtec Kings and Their People by Ronald Spores, review by Rodney E. Hartwell FAS
  • The Augustan Bookman by The Reverend James Parker
  • Official Section
  • Editorial, comments, letters, book announcements, queries, etc.
members price: $7.20