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Colonial Genealogist #48

Category: Back Issues » Colonial Genealogist Back Issues

Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 9, 1988, 22pp (91–112), including:

  • Maternal Lines of the Presidents (An Overview), by Charles Recker, FSO, MAS
  • Jurian Hartsfelder: America's First Hartsfield, by James Thomas McConnell, FSO, SDLKJ, ODI, OC
  • The William Palmers of Plymouth Colony Revisited: The Two Wives of William Palmer Jr. (2): Another Version, by Carlton A. Palmer, Jr.
  • Introducing a New Study Group: Colonial Witches and Witchcraft Study Group, by Rodney Hartwell
  • Queries, surname interest listings, etc.
members price: $3.20