Colonial Genealogist #48
Category: Back Issues » Colonial Genealogist Back IssuesThe Colonial Genealogist issue #48 (XIII:2) 1988, 22pp. (91–112). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 9.
- Charles Recker, FSO, MAS. Maternal Lines of the Presidents (An Overview). (CG48-24)
- James Thomas McConnell, FSO, SDLKJ, ODI, OC. Jurian Hartsfelder: America's First Hartsfield. (CG48-28)
- Carlton A. Palmer, Jr. The William Palmers of Plymouth Colony Revisited: The Two Wives of William Palmer Jr. (2), Another Version. (CG48-33)
- Rodney Hartwell. Introducing a New Study Group: Colonial Witches and Witchcraft Study Group. (CG48-36)
- Queries. (CG48-41)
- Surname Interest Listings. (CG48-43)