Colonial Genealogist #45
The Colonial Genealogist issue #45 (XII:3) 1985, 51pp. Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. The English Birth and Ancestry of Cornelius Dabny (1631–1693/4) of Virginia. (CG45-107) Carlton A. Palmer, Jr. Genealogical Gleanings of the Early Palmer Families of Mew England and Some Circumstantial Conclusions Regarding the Origin of William Palmer of Plymouth Colony. (CG45-112) Stanley E. Moore. A Ruble Update. (CG45-119) Karen P. Neuforth, MAS, cont. Colonial Revolutionary Era Marriage Bonds Amherst County, Virginia, 1763–1782. (CG45-132) Queries: (CG45-143) Surname Interest Listings. (CG45-149) Ancestral lines: Snow(e). Diane Watson. (CG45-153) Bremner/Bremmer. Lila C. Bremmer.(CG45-154) Registered Genealogists. (CG45-155) Surnames: Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Andrew, Arledge, Ayrs, Bailey, Baley, Ballard, Ballenger, Ballou, Ballowe, Banister, Banks, Barnes, Barnett, Baset, Bassett-Palmer, Bassett, Bathhurst, Batts, Beane, Beckley, Becknall, Beckwith, Bell, Besett, Beville, Bickmore, Blain, Blair, Blakemore, Blanchard, Bolling, Bond, Bott, Boune, Bowler, Boyce, Boykin, Boyle, Bradford, Brame, Brasseur, Brazure, Bremmer, Bremner, Brewster, Briggs, Brigham, Brown, Bryan, Buleson, Burgess, Burgis, Burnet, Burnett, Burros, Burt, Burton, Bush, Bushrod, Cabrera, Caffrey, Caldwell, Callahan, Camp, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamniss, Childres, Childress, Childriss, Chiles, Christian, Clark, Clarke, Clausen, Clearwater, Coan, Coggeshall, Cole, Colie, Comstock, Cook, Coward, Cox, Coxton, Craig, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Crow, Croxton, Curtis, Cutler, d’Aubeney, d’Aubigne, d’Aulnay, Dabney, Dabny, Dale, Dalrymple, Dalton, Darneille, Daubeny, Daubney, Davis, Dawbney, Dawson, de Berry, deAlneto, Denison, Dennis, Deyo, Dick, Dillard, Dinguid, Dinwiddie, Dodge, Donalson, Drury, Duffie, Duffy, Duglas, Durham, Dyche, Dytche, Eades, Edminson, Edminston, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edmonson, Edmonton, Edwards, Ellis, Emerson, Evans, Everhart, Farr, Farrar, Farren, Fauntleroy, Fayton, Feake, Feg, Fishback, Fisher, Fitz-Osmond, Fitzhugh, Flagg, Fleck, Flood, Fortune, Foster, Franklin, Frizzell, Gaines, Gains, Galaspie, Galespey, Galespie, Garland, Garrot, Gatewood, Gilbert, Gillaspie, Glaze, Goodwin, Gradwell, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Grefe, Gregory, Griffin, Gwynn, Hall, Hamilton, Hamm, Hansbrough, Harding, Haregrove, Hargrove, Harold, Harper, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hartgrove, Hartwell, Harvey, Harvie, Hastings, Hatley, Hawkins, Heard, Heath, Heister, Helm, Henderson, Henig, Hennage, Herd, Higgenbotham, Higginbotham, Hill, Hind, Hobart, Hoffman, Hohimer, Holder, Homewood, Horsley, Houk, Hudson, Huffman, Hufman, Hughs, Hunting, Hurd, Hyde, Hyer, Irvin, Irwin, Jacobs, Jameson, Jewell, Joblin, Jobling, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jopling, Jordan, Jung, Kannon, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennon, Key, Kingsbury, Knowles, Laine, Lamaster, Lamb, Landrum, le Palmarius, le Palmer, le Palmere, Lee, Leitch, Letcher, Lewis, Lidford, Littell, Lockwood, Loving, Lutz, Lyle, Lyon, Mallory, Manly, Mansfield, Martain, Martin, Marty, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Mayes, Mays, McAlexander, McCabe, McCamant, McCarter, McClean, McCullock, McDaniels, McDowell, McElrath, McGowen, McNaught, McNeely, McNieley, Mechaux, Meeker, Mehone, Meisner, Mercer, Meriwether, Merrill, Michaux, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milstead, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morral, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Muffitt, Murphey, Musthill, Myles, Nemo, Nevels, Nevil, Nevill, Niles, Nimmo, Nimo, Norton, Oglesbey, Oldage, Orr, Osborn, Owen, Paddock, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Park, Parr, Patterson, Pattison, Payne, Peabody, Peckham, Penn, Perkins, Phillips, Philpott, Pierce, Pinney, Pollard, Porter, Powell, Powill, Pratt, Pray, Prescott, Price, Purcell, Pursel, Pursley, Putnam, Quarles, Rae, Rawdon, Read, Reade, Redington, Reed, Reid, Rice, Richmond, Riley, Rise, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodes, Rogers, Ronayne, Ronayne, Rose, Rossiter, Ruble, Ryan, Sale, Savage, Sawyer, Scofield, Scofield, Scott, Secrist, Shaw, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherwood, Ship, Simonds, Simons, Simson, Skinner, Sloan, Smith, Smoot, Snow, Snowe, Spring, St. John, Stadtmiller, Stamforth, Stanhope, Staples, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevins, Stewart, Stovall, Stratton, Stradley, Stringer, Stringer, Sutherland, Sweete, Taliaferro, Tankersley, Tarrant, Tayler, Tease, Terrant, Thomas, Thurmond, Tilman, Tripp, Trowbridge, Trumbull, Turner, Tyler, Upshaw, Vanhouten, Vaughan, Veale, Wade, Waggoner, Walker, Waller, Ware, Warren, Warwick, Waterbury, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webster, White, Whitehead, Wiatt, Wilcox, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wing, Winkler, Witt, Wood, Woods, Wright, Yancey, Yates, Young, Young, Ziegler. |
Colonial Genealogist #35
The Colonial Geneaolgist Issue #35 (X:1) Oct. 1979, 70pp. Some Sherman Lines by Bertha L. Stratton, FAS (CG35-4) Some Descendants of George Stafford of North Carolina, of the Counties Now Called Washington and Alamance, Ancestor of Thomas Patten Stafford the Astronaut by Robert Joseph Curfman, MA, FAS/hc (CG35-13) The Custis Family of Virginia Part III: Seaside or Custis Neck Branch, by Nora Miller Turman, CG, FAS/hc (CG35-25) The Pratt Family by Dame Mildred Rania, DCR, OAE (CG35-31) Family of Ulrich Stauffer/Stover of Virginia and Pennsylvania, Part II by Sheila Spencer Stover, MAS (CG35-47) Ancestral Lines: #32: Hendrikson Van Doesburgh, Hendricks, Dusenbury, Thorn, Fowler, Woolsey, Coe, Anderson, Blauvelt, Wright, Formhals, Yates, Peters (CG35-53) #33: Yates, Staniard, Randolph, Jameson, Risley, Osborne, Knowland, Formhals (CG35-54) #34: Hambscher, Marschali, Hamcher, Hackmanin, Hamsher, Waldman, Hampsher, Anderson, Smith, Golden (CG35-55) #35: Hohwetder (Howerter), Hurrenmayer, Hochwarter, Krohn, Bastrus, Hinderliter, Zeigler, Kerstetter (CG35-56) Reviews and Notices of Publications: Bradley B. Ridge. The Bateman Connection. review by Irene Haines (Mrs. John D.) Leet and Edmund Miller, PhD. (CG35-58a) Robert M. Sherman, FASG, ed. Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol. II. review by Neil D. Thompson, FASG, FAS. (CG35-58b) Earl G. Core. The Monongalia Story: A Bicentennial History. review by Patricia D. Kirkwood, FAS. (CG35-59) Queries. (CG35-60) Surname Interest Listings. (CG35-67) News & Notes. Rodney Hartwell, FAS/hc. (CG35-70) |
Colonial Genealogist #46
The Colonial Genealogist issue #46 (XII:4) 1986, 22pp. Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 7. Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. You and I Really Cousins? or, How Many Ancestors Did We Have in AD 1 and in 1700 BC? (CG46-74) J. Mason Grove, FAS. The Hazards of Chivalry: A Happening in Lancaster County, Virginia 307 Years Ago. (CG46-78) Dollye McAlister Elliott. Captain Thomas Carter of “Barford,” Lancaster County, Virginia: A Second View. (CG46-79) Charles Recker, FSO. Some American Descendants of The Prophet Mohammed. (CG46-81) Augustan Society Library Emigrant Card Files: Part I: A-I, Colonial Emigrants. (CG46-83) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. Additional Notes on the English Ancestry of Cornelius Dabney (1631–1693/4) of Virginia. (CG46-88) Ancestral Lines: Hopper, Hendricks, Paulus, Quackenbush, Cuyper, Sanford, Smith, Gilimor, Hampsher, Golden. Elizabeth H. Hampsher Yaw. (CG46-90) Queries. (CG45-91) Surname Interest Listings. (CG45-93) |
Colonial Genealogist #9
The Colonial Genealogist issue #9 (III:1) July 1970, 68pp. First issue by this title, formerly The Beetle Gazette. Rod Hartwell and Pat Hartwell. Introduction. (CG9-3) Who’s Who in Genealogy: 1: Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS, née Mildred Irwin Dick. (CG9-6) 2: Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name. (CG9-8) 3: Doña Matilde Cabrera a Ipiña de Corsi de la Maza. (CG9-10) Larry B. Barnes, BA; Patricia Crossland Hartwell, BA; and Rodney E. Hartwell, BA. Teaching Genealogy: A Course Outline. (CG9-12) Selecting Genealogical Handbooks. (CG9-18) Magazine Evaluations: Quarterly Bulletin of the Seattle Genealogical Society. (CG9-20) Stirpes. (CG9-21) Genealogical Reference Builders Newsletter. (CG9-21) Guides for Contributors. (CG9-22) Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Introduction to the Lineages. (CG9-24) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #1: Waits of Virginia. (CG9-25) Lineage #2: Griffith of Pennsylvania. (CG9-35), by Dorothy F. Thompson, CG Lineage #3: Chávez of New Mexico (CG9-45), by Fray Angélico Manuel Gómez Durán y Chávez Roybal y Torrado, OFM Blazons and Notes. (CG9-58) |
Colonial Genealogist #10
The Colonial Genealogist issue #10 (III:2) October 1970, 68pp. Rod Hartwell and Pat Hartwell. Editor's Comments. (CG10-71) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #4: Cervantes of New Spain. (CG10-73) Lineage #5: Blackiston of Maryland and Delaware by Mrs. Clarence Raymond Cummins (née Frances Wingate Davis, FAS. (CG10-85) Lineage #6: Hull of Massachusetts. Miss Dorothy Mae Johns, PhB, MS, FAS (CG10-91) Lineage #7: Pratt of Massachusetts. Mrs. Joseph F. Rania, BA, FAS, FSA Scot. (CG10-103) Lineage #8: Riggs of Massachusetts. Hayward Carroll Parrish, Jr., FAS. (CG10-113) Blazons and Notes. (CG10-120) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #4: The Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, ChLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. (CG10-121) Magazine evaluations North Texas Pioneer. (CG10-122) Pennsylvania Gen. Magazine. (CG10-122) American Pioneers. (CG10-123) Revista Genealogica Latina. (CG10-123) Gleanings. (CG10-123) Book Review Section: F. Edward Hulme. The History Principles and Practice of Heraldry. (CG10-124) Eugene Zieber. Heraldry in America. (CG10-124) Winston De Ville. Louisiana Troops: 1720–1770. (CG10-124) Edward W. Callahan, ed. List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900... (CG10-124) Par E. Z. Massicotte and Regis Roy. Armoira du Canada Français. (CG10-125) Elizaabeth F. Ellet. The Women of the American Revolution. (CG10-126) Letters. (CG10-128) |
Colonial Genealogist #11
The Colonial Genealogist issue #11 (III:3) January 1971, 68pp. (137–204). Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG11-138) Vicenta Cortés Alonso. The Archive of the Indies. (CG11-141) Rodney Hartwell. Hispano-Americana: A Brief Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Genealogy-Heraldry. (CG11-148) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #9: Browne/Brown of Connecticut. by William Morris Brown. (CG11-153) Lineage #10: Rapalje of New Netherlands. by Leslie Aulls Bryan. (CG11-157) Lineage #11: Cabanis/Cabaniss of Virginia and Alabama. by Prof. James Allen Cabaniss. (CG11-160) Lineage #12: Wynne-Wynn-Winn of Virginia. (CG11-164) Lineage #13: Killam of Massachusetts & Nova Scotia. by Henry Lawrence Killam Wilson. (CG11-167) Lineage #14: Edelen of Maryland. by Crolian William Edelen, FAS. (CG11-173) Lineage #15: Lawrence of Massachusetts. by Helen Abbott Douglas North. (CG11-178) Blazons and Notes. (CG11-182) Who’s Who in Genealogy #5: The Chev. Harry Wright Newman, KLJ, MCinn, FAS. (CG11-183) St. Joseph's Manor, alias Beckwith Manor, St. Mary's County, Maryland: A Maryland Ghost Story. (CG11-177) Book Reviews: Warren L. March. Search and Retrieval: The Application of Data Processing to Genealogical Research. review by Charles F. Wilkes. (CG11-185) P. William Filby. American & British Genealogy & Heraldry: A Selected List of Books. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG11-186) Magazine Evaluations: Antepasados. (CG11-188) French Canadian & Acadian Gen. Rev. (CG11-188) Bulletin, Maryland Gen. Society. (CG11-189) Illinois State Gen. Society Q. (CG11-189) Louisiana Genealogical Register. (CG11-189) Surname Interests. (CG11-190) Letters, Magazine Evaluations, Surname Interests, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #12
The Colonial Genealogist issue #12 (III:4) April 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG12-207) Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, OLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. Redfern-Redfearn-Redfarrin: A Genealogical Survey. (CG12-209) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #16: Thayer of Massachusetts. by Ruth Thayer Ravenscroft (CG12-225) Lineage #17: Stetson of Massachusetts. (CG12-229) Lineage #18: Chapman of Massachusetts. (CG12-230) Lineage #19: Blackman of Massachusetts. (CG12-233) Lineage #20: Mattoon of Massachusetts. (CG12-242) Dorothy Mae Johns. Identification of Abel Mattoon, Minuteman and Revolutionary War Soldier, (CG12-238) Who’s Who in Genealogy #6: Elizabeth Vanderveer Barker (Mrs. Russell Francis Barker). (CG12-256) Letters & Corrections. (CG12-258) Surname Interests. (CG12-260) |
Colonial Genealogist #13
The Colonial Genealogist issue #13 (IV:1) Summer 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG13-3) Prof. Allen Cabaniss. The Will of Abraham Wood Analyzed. (CG13-4) Doña Rudecina Lawrence de Lo Buglio, FAS. El Prímer Párvulo de Razón. (CG13-9) Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, OLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. Pratt: Additions and Corrections. (CG13-13) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #21: Crosland of South Carolina. by Margaret McLaurin Ricaud Kelly. (CG13-16) Lineage #22: Fitz Randolph. by Rev. Emmett Moore Waits, OAE. (CG13-18) Lineage #23: Dunham. by Rev. Emmett M. Waits, OAE. (CG13-18) Lineage #24: Fay of Massachusetts, Part 1. by Fay Oliver Conley, FAS. (CG13-56) Dorothy F. Thompson, CG. Killam Revisited. (CG13-26) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #7, June Beverly Terry Barekman. (CG13-29) News & Notes. (CG13-31) Book Review Section: Mary Newton Stanard. Colonial Virginia: Its People and Customs. review by Charles Hughs Hamlin, CG. (CG13-32) William Beidelman. The Story of Pennsylvania Germans. Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS. (CG13-32) L. W. Rigsby. Historic Georgia Families. review by Rodney Hartwell. ((CG13-33) Sanford Charles Gladden. Ancestry of Dr. Jonathan Fay Gay (1810-1867) of Framingham, Massachusetts. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-33) Irene H. Charley. The Romance of the Charley Family. reveiw by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-33) Geraldine Hartshorn Wheeler, compiler. Atheling's Journal, Occasional Papers, No. 1, 1971. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) June B. Barekman. Direct Lineage of the Ancestral Lines of Gustav Oleson and Anna Olsdatter.... review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Enid Eleanor Adams, compiler. Our Bateman Ancestry. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Jesse Harold Neal and Mary Haller Neal. John Wesley Neal, Descendants and Ancestors 1653 to 1968: A Genealogy. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Frances Hansen Ehrig. A Williams Chronicle: Descendants of Thomas Williams of Sullivan County, New York, and Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.... review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Hubert L. Perry. The Family Tree of Daniel Perry: 1704-1970. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Robert E. McDonald. Clan Donald. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Magazines, Journals, Newsletters, and Bulletins: Boone's Sierra Echos. (CG13-36) The Tallow Light. (CG13-36) ¿Cuestiones? (CG13-36) Genealogies in Print. (CG13-37) Queries. (CG13-39) Lineage Problems. (CG13-45) Surname Interests. (CG13-47) Rodney Hartwell. Blazons and Notes. (CG13-61) |
Colonial Genealogist #14
The Colonial Genealogist issue #14 (IV:2) Fall 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG14-71) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #25: Carter of Lancaster County, Virginia, and of Tennessee. by Mrs. McAlister Elliott, FAS/hc. (CG14-72) Lineage #26: Cummins of Delaware, by Mrs. C. Raymond Cumins, FAS. (CG14-81) Lineage #27: Hubbell of Connecticut, and Nine Related Lineages. by Grahame Thomas Smallwood Jr., FAS. (CG14-85) Lineage #28: Brewster-Pickett-Noyes-Comstock-McCall-Hubbell. (CG14-87). Lineage #29: Coggeshall. (CG14-88) Lineage #30: Anthony-Mason-Frink-Pheatt-Hubbell. (CG14-89) Lineage #31: Tyng-Brattle-Oliver-Ellsworth-Hayden-Hubbell. (CG14-90) Lineage #32: Van Buren-Van Deusen-Muller-Frink. (CG14-91) Lineage #33: Lookermans-Muller-Van Deusen. (CG14-92) Lineage #34: Adams-Thayer-Legge-Parmelee-Hubbell. (CG14-93) Lineage #35: Hayden-Ellsworth-Tyng. (CG14-94) Lineage #36: Allen/Allyn. (CG14-94) Letters. (CG14-96) Lineage Problems. (CG14-102) News & Notes. (CG14-104) Genealogies in Print. (CG14-106) Book Review Section: Hubert Howe Bancroft. California Pioneer Registers and Index, 1542-1848. review by Mrs. J. J. Lo Buglio. (CG14-107) Alloa Calviness Anderson. Henry Cavinis: The Immigrant Infant and Some of His Descendants. review by Allen Cabaniss. (CG14-108) Richard D. Mudd, MD. The Mudd Family of the United States. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG14-109) Frank Nellis Parshall and Homer Leroy Parshall. To and From James and Catherine Parshall. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG14-109) Queries. (CG14-110) Surname Interests. (CG14-120) |
Colonial Genealogist #15
The Colonial Genealogist issue #15 (IV:3) Winter 1972, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG15-139) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #37: Moore of Kent Co., Maryland and of Kentucky. by Rev. Emmett M. Waits, FAS. (CG15-140) Lineage #38: Warren of Massachusetts. by Peyton Sagendorf Moncure, FAS. (CG15-147) Lineage #39: Rapalje of New Netherlands. by Donald Joseph Van Winkle. (CG15-152) Lineage #40: Walichs-Van Winkel/Winkle of New Netherlands, by Donald Joseph Van Winkle. (CG15-152) Lindsay S. Reeks. In Pursuit of William Hartwell, The Immigrant. (CG15-158) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #8, Leslie Gilbert Pine, FAS. (CG15-161) News & Notes. (CG15-162) Genealogies in Print. (CG15-165) Book Reviews by R.H.: Old Briery Church, Prince Edward County, Virginia (reprint). (CG15-166) Marilyn Tone Gray. And Now We Are Many. (CG15-166) Clarence C. Fuller. Records of Robert Fuller of Salem and Rehoboth and Some of His Descendants. (CG15-166) Nahum Mitchell. History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.... (CG15-166) Mary Ellenore Stafford Bowman, comp.. Descendants of Isaac Van Tuyl, Sr., and Mary McCarter of Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. (CG15-167) William Kenneth Rutherford and Anna Clay (Zimmerman) Rutherford, comps. Genealogical History of the Rutherford Family. (CG15-167) William Kenneth Rutherford and Anna Clay (Zimmerman) Rutherford, comps.. Genealogical Histor of our Ancestors. (CG15-167) Marvin J. Pearce, Sr., comp. Benedict Pioneers in Kentucky. (CG15-168) Marvin J. Pearce, Sr., comp. Pearce Pioneers in Kentucky.... (CG15-168) Mrs. Murle R. Seitz. West, Barker, Hodges, New York to Wisconsin: 1836-1846. (CG15-168) West Central Kentucky Family Research Association. Kentucky Family Records, Volume I: 1969-1970. (CG15-168) Catalogue of the Genealogical and Historical Library of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York (reprint). (CG15-169) Letters. (CG15-170) Lineage Problems. (CG15-172) Queries. (CG15-173) Surname Interest Listings. (CG15-192) |
Colonial Genealogist #16
The Colonial Genealogist issue #16 (IV:4) Spring 1972, 72pp. Rodney Hartwell, ed. Lineage Problems: Good or Bad? (CG15-207) Rodney Hartwell, ed. The Colonial Families. (CG15-208) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #41 (Part 1): Allis of Hatfield, Massachusetts; Dudley of Guilford, Connecticut; Johns of Clarendon, Vermont; with Sexton, Wallston and others, by Dorothy M. Johns, FAS. (CG15-209) Lineage #42: Mires-Miers of Delaware. by Maynard Harold Mires, Jr. FAS/hc. (CG15-220) Lineage #43: The Reneau-Reno Family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, by Mrs. McAlister Elliott, FAS/hc. (CG15-226) Lineage #24 (Part 2): Fay of Massachusetts, by Fay Oliver Conley, FAS. (CG13-56) Research Aids. (CG15-237) News & Notes. (CG15-238) Surname Interest Listings. (CG15-244) Queries. (CG15-254) Lineage Problems. (CG15-253) |
Colonial Genealogist #17
The Colonial Genealogist issue #17 (V:1) Summer 1972, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments: Our Third Year. (CG17-3) Rodney Hartwell, ed. The Colonial Families. (CG17-4) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #41 (Part 2): Allis of Hatfield, Massachusetts; Dudley of Guilford, Connecticut; Johns of Clarendon, Vermont; with Sexton, Walston and Others, by Dorothy M. Johns, FAS. (CG17-5) Lineage #44: Stafford of Rhode Island and Vermont, by Robert Joseph Curfman, FAS/hc. (CG17-20) Lineage #45: Tyler of Connecticut and New Hampshire, by Robert Joseph Curfman, FAS/hc. (CG17-20) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #9, Milton Rubincam. (CG17-30) Research Aids. (CG17-31) Books for Loan. (CG17-32) News & Notes. (CG17-33) Research Problems. (CG17-37) Lineage Problems. (CG17-43) Surname Interest Listings. (CG17-44) Books Wanted. (CG17-50) Index to Queries Appearing in this Issue. (CG17-51) Queries. (CG17-53) |