Colonial Genealogist #45
Published as The Colonial Genealogist Issue #45 (XII:3) 1985, 51pp. The English Birth and Ancestry of Cornelius Dabny (1631–1693/4) of Virginia by Arden H. Brame Jr. II (CG45-107) Genealogical Gleanings of the Early Palmer Families of Mew England and Some Circumstantial Conclusions Regarding the Origin of William Palmer of Plymouth Colony by Carlton A. Palmer, Jr. (CG45-112) A Ruble Update by Stanley E. Moore (CG45-119) Colonial Revolutionary Era Marriage Bonds Amherst County, Virginia, 1763–1782 by Karen P. Neuforth (CG45-132) Ancestral lines: Snow(e) (CG45-153) Bremner/Bremmer (CG45-154) Queries, surname interest listings, etc. Surnames: Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Andrew, Arledge, Ayrs, Bailey, Baley, Ballard, Ballenger, Ballou, Ballowe, Banister, Banks, Barnes, Barnett, Baset, Bassett-Palmer, Bassett, Bathhurst, Batts, Beane, Beckley, Becknall, Beckwith, Bell, Besett, Beville, Bickmore, Blain, Blair, Blakemore, Blanchard, Bolling, Bond, Bott, Boune, Bowler, Boyce, Boykin, Boyle, Bradford, Brame, Brasseur, Brazure, Bremmer, Bremner, Brewster, Briggs, Brigham, Brown, Bryan, Buleson, Burgess, Burgis, Burnet, Burnett, Burros, Burt, Burton, Bush, Bushrod, Cabrera, Caffrey, Caldwell, Callahan, Camp, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamniss, Childres, Childress, Childriss, Chiles, Christian, Clark, Clarke, Clausen, Clearwater, Coan, Coggeshall, Cole, Colie, Comstock, Cook, Coward, Cox, Coxton, Craig, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Crow, Croxton, Curtis, Cutler, d’Aubeney, d’Aubigne, d’Aulnay, Dabney, Dabny, Dale, Dalrymple, Dalton, Darneille, Daubeny, Daubney, Davis, Dawbney, Dawson, de Berry, deAlneto, Denison, Dennis, Deyo, Dick, Dillard, Dinguid, Dinwiddie, Dodge, Donalson, Drury, Duffie, Duffy, Duglas, Durham, Dyche, Dytche, Eades, Edminson, Edminston, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edmonson, Edmonton, Edwards, Ellis, Emerson, Evans, Everhart, Farr, Farrar, Farren, Fauntleroy, Fayton, Feake, Feg, Fishback, Fisher, Fitz-Osmond, Fitzhugh, Flagg, Fleck, Flood, Fortune, Foster, Franklin, Frizzell, Gaines, Gains, Galaspie, Galespey, Galespie, Garland, Garrot, Gatewood, Gilbert, Gillaspie, Glaze, Goodwin, Gradwell, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Grefe, Gregory, Griffin, Gwynn, Hall, Hamilton, Hamm, Hansbrough, Harding, Haregrove, Hargrove, Harold, Harper, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hartgrove, Hartwell, Harvey, Harvie, Hastings, Hatley, Hawkins, Heard, Heath, Heister, Helm, Henderson, Henig, Hennage, Herd, Higgenbotham, Higginbotham, Hill, Hind, Hobart, Hoffman, Hohimer, Holder, Homewood, Horsley, Houk, Hudson, Huffman, Hufman, Hughs, Hunting, Hurd, Hyde, Hyer, Irvin, Irwin, Jacobs, Jameson, Jewell, Joblin, Jobling, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jopling, Jordan, Jung, Kannon, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennon, Key, Kingsbury, Knowles, Laine, Lamaster, Lamb, Landrum, le Palmarius, le Palmer, le Palmere, Lee, Leitch, Letcher, Lewis, Lidford, Littell, Lockwood, Loving, Lutz, Lyle, Lyon, Mallory, Manly, Mansfield, Martain, Martin, Marty, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Mayes, Mays, McAlexander, McCabe, McCamant, McCarter, McClean, McCullock, McDaniels, McDowell, McElrath, McGowen, McNaught, McNeely, McNieley, Mechaux, Meeker, Mehone, Meisner, Mercer, Meriwether, Merrill, Michaux, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milstead, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morral, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Muffitt, Murphey, Musthill, Myles, Nemo, Nevels, Nevil, Nevill, Niles, Nimmo, Nimo, Norton, Oglesbey, Oldage, Orr, Osborn, Owen, Paddock, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Park, Parr, Patterson, Pattison, Payne, Peabody, Peckham, Penn, Perkins, Phillips, Philpott, Pierce, Pinney, Pollard, Porter, Powell, Powill, Pratt, Pray, Prescott, Price, Purcell, Pursel, Pursley, Putnam, Quarles, Rae, Rawdon, Read, Reade, Redington, Reed, Reid, Rice, Richmond, Riley, Rise, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodes, Rogers, Ronayne, Ronayne, Rose, Rossiter, Ruble, Ryan, Sale, Savage, Sawyer, Scofield, Scofield, Scott, Secrist, Shaw, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherwood, Ship, Simonds, Simons, Simson, Skinner, Sloan, Smith, Smoot, Snow, Snowe, Spring, St. John, Stadtmiller, Stamforth, Stanhope, Staples, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevins, Stewart, Stovall, Stratton, Stradley, Stringer, Stringer, Sutherland, Sweete, Taliaferro, Tankersley, Tarrant, Tayler, Tease, Terrant, Thomas, Thurmond, Tilman, Tripp, Trowbridge, Trumbull, Turner, Tyler, Upshaw, Vanhouten, Vaughan, Veale, Wade, Waggoner, Walker, Waller, Ware, Warren, Warwick, Waterbury, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webster, White, Whitehead, Wiatt, Wilcox, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wing, Winkler, Witt, Wood, Woods, Wright, Yancey, Yates, Young, Young, Ziegler. |
Colonial Genealogist #35
Published as The Colonial Geneaolgist Issue #35 (X:1) Oct. 1979, 70pp. Some Sherman Lines by Bertha L. Stratton, FAS (CG35-4) Some Descendants of George Stafford of North Carolina, of the Counties Now Called Washington and Alamance, Ancestor of Thomas Patten Stafford the Astronaut by Robert Joseph Curfman, MA, FAS/hc (CG35-13) The Custis Family of Virginia Part III: Seaside or Custis Neck Branch, by Nora Miller Turman, CG, FAS/hc (CG35-25) The Pratt Family by Dame Mildred Rania, DCR, OAE (CG35-31) Family of Ulrich Stauffer/Stover of Virginia and Pennsylvania, Part II by Sheila Spencer Stover, MAS (CG35-47) Ancestral Lines: #32: Hendrikson Van Doesburgh, Hendricks, Dusenbury, Thorn, Fowler, Woolsey, Coe, Anderson, Blauvelt, Wright, Formhals, Yates, Peters (CG35-53) #33: Yates, Staniard, Randolph, Jameson, Risley, Osborne, Knowland, Formhals (CG35-54) #34: Hambscher, Marschali, Hamcher, Hackmanin, Hamsher, Waldman, Hampsher, Anderson, Smith, Golden (CG35-55) #35: Hohwetder (Howerter), Hurrenmayer, Hochwarter, Krohn, Bastrus, Hinderliter, Zeigler, Kerstetter (CG35-56) Reviews Ridge: The Bateman Connection Sherman: Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol. II Core: The Monongalia Story Queries, surname interests, news and notes, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #46
Published as Colonial Genealogist Issue #46 (XII:4); as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 7, 1986; 22 pp. Re: You and I Really Cousins? or, How Many Ancestors Did We Have in AD 1 and in 1700 B.C.? by Arden H. Brame, Jr. II (CG46-74) The Hazards of Chivalry: A Happening in Lancaster County, Virginia 307 Years Ago (CG46-78) Captain Thomas Carter of "Barford", Lancaster County, Virginia: A Second View by Dollye McAlister Elliott (CG46-79) Some American Descendants of The Prophet Mohammed by Charles Recker, FSO (CG46-81) Augustan Society Library Emigrant Card Files: Part I: A-I, Colonial Emigrants (CG46-83) Additional Notes on the English Ancestry of Cornelius Dabney (1631–1693/4) of Virginia by Arden H. Brame, Jr. II (CG46-88) Ancestral Lines: Hopper, Hendricks, Paulus, Quackenbush, Cuyper, Sanford, Smith, Gilimor, Hampsher, Golden (CG46-90) Queries, surname interest listings, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #5
Continuation of Search for Hartwell Records in Northamptonshire 1660–1812 ... Hartwell Wills from County Record Office, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire ... Abstracts of Hartwell Wills in Bodleian Library, Oxford ... Abstracts of Hartwell Wills from Bedford County Record Office ... Abstracts of Administrations from Bedford County Record Office pertaining to the Hartwell Family ... Wills of John Hartwell of South Scorle, Nottingham; William Hartwell of St. Magne, London; and Thomas Hartwell of St. Christopher’s, London ... Abstract of Hartwell Wills in Hertfordshire Record Office ... Abstract of Hartwell Wills in Bucks County Record Office ... Abstract of Hartwell Wills in Northampton Record Office Abstract of Hartwell Wills of Harringworth, Diocese of Peterborough ... Will of Richard Hartwell from Kent County Archives Office, 1518 ... Abstracts of Hartwell Wills from Gloucester ... Calendar of Wills at Lichfield Consistory Court: List of all Hartwell Wills from 1492 to 1860 ... Calendar of Wills at the Courts of the Lichfield Peculiars, all Hartwell Wills, 1500–1860 ... Parish of Bourton on the Water, Gloucestershire, Hartwell extracts ... Parish of Preston Upon Stower, Gloucestershire, Hartwell extracts ... Other Misc. Parishes for Hartwell ... Sundry References from the Publications of the Lincoln Record Society ... Some Additional Comments on the Bulkeley/Hartwell Connection ... Some Ancient Manuscripts (with Hartwell References) ... Sundry References to Hartwell ... Subsidy Assessment 1523/24 (for Hartwell) ... Sundry References to the name Hartwell in Ireland ... Corrections ... Index of surnames other than Hartwell ... Index of Parish Registers Checked |
Colonial Genealogist #6
Oswald Hartwell of Woodhall, County Bedford, and Some Descendants, compiled by Mabel Van Dyke Baer ... Joshua Hartwell, of Cranfield, County Bedford, compiled by Mabel Van Dyke Baer ... William Hartwell of County Bedford, England, who married Rachel Bailey, compiled by Mabel Van Dyke Baer ... Christopher Hartwell, of Tamworth, Staffordshire, who died 1740/41, compiled by Mabel Van Dyke Baer ... Hartwell Wills, Administrations and Charters |
Colonial Genealogist #8
Published as The Beetle Gazette: Hartwell and Allied Families (II:4) Issue #8, May 1969, 36pp., including: "Hartwell Wills—Abstracts" by John Coker "Further Irish Hartwells" by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania "Registers and Bishop’s Transcripts: Bedford Record Office" by Mrs. Dorothy Warren "Cheshire Marriage Index" (for Hartwell) by Bertram Merrell Index to Surnames other than Hartwell (cumulative index for Volumes I and II) |
Colonial Genealogist #9
Published as The Colonial Genealogist Vol. 3, No. 1 (new series), Issue #9, July 1970, 68pp., including: Introduction Who’s Who in Genealogy: Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS, née Mildred Irwin Dick Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name Dofla Matilde Cabrera a Ipiña de Corsi de la Maza Teaching Genealogy: A Course Outline Selecting Genealogical Handbooks Magazine Evaluations Guides for Contributors Introduction to the Lineages Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage No. 1: Waits of Virginia (Richard Wait who settled in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, Virginia, 14 May 1662), by The Reverend Emmett Moore Waits, Jr. Lineage No. 2: Griffith of Pennsylvania (Benjamin Griffith who settled in Philadelphia, PA in 1710), by Dorothy F. Thompson, CG Lineage No. 3: Chávez of New Mexico (Don Pedro Gómez Duán y Cháves who settled in the Kingdom of New Mexico, Viceroyalty of New Spain, about 1600), by Fray Angélico Manuel Gómez Durán y Chávez Roybal y Torrado, OFM Blazons and Notes |
Colonial Genealogist #10
Published as The Colonial Genealogist Vol. 3, No. 2 (new series), Issue #10, October 1970, 68pp., including: Editor's Comments Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage No. 4: Cervantes of New Spain (Don Leonel de Cervantes, who settled in the City of Mexico, Kingdom of New Spain in 1524), trans. by Patricia Hartwell Lineage No. 5: Blackiston of Maryland and Delaware (George Blackiston, who settled in St. Mary’s Co., Province of Maryland 1668) by Mrs. C. Raymond Cummins FAS Lineage No. 6: Hull of Massachusetts (The Rev. Joseph Hull, who settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony 1635) by Dorothy Johns FAS Lineage No. 7: Pratt of Massachusetts (Thomas Pratt, Freeman in Charlestown, Massachusetts 26 May 1647) by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania FAS Riggs of Massachusetts (Edward Riggs, who settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts 1633) by Hayward Carroll Parish Jr., FAS Blazons and Notes Who’s Who in Genealogy: #4: The Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne FAS Magazine evaluations Book Review Section: The History Principles and Practice of Heraldry by F. Edward Hulme Heraldry in America by Eugene Zieber Louisiana Troops: 1720–1770 by Winston De Ville List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900... edited by Edward W. Callahan Armoira du Canada Français by Par E.Z. Massicotte et Regis Roy The Women of the American Revolution by Elizabeth F. Ellet Letters |
Colonial Genealogist #11
Published as The Colonial Genealogist (III:3), Issue #11, January 1971, 68pp. (137–204), including: “The Archive of the Indies” by Vicenta Cortés Alonso “Hispano-Americana: A Brief Introduction to Spanish and Latin American, Genealogy-Heraldry” by Rodney Hartwell Colonial Families of the Americas: “Lineage No. 9: Browne/Brown of Connecticut” by William Morris Brown “Lineage No. 10: Rapalje of New Netherlands” by Leslie Aulls Bryan “Lineage No. 11: Cabanis/Cabaniss of Virginia and Alabama” by James Allen Cabaniss “Lineage No. 12: Wynne-Wynn-Winn of Virginia” by James Allen Cabaniss “Lineage No. 13: Killam of Massachusetts and Nova Scotia” by Dorothy F. Thompson, CG “Lineage No. 14: Edelen of Maryland” by Crolian W. Edelen, FAS “Lineage No. 15: Lawrence of Massachusetts” by Helen Abbott Douglas North “St. Joseph’s Manor, alias Beckwith Manor, St. Mary’s County, Maryland: A Maryland Ghost Story” Blazons and Notes “Who’s Who in Genealogy #5: The Chev. Harry Wright Newman, KLJ, MCinn, FAS” Book Reviews Warren L. March. Search and Retrieval: The Application of Data Processing to Genealogical Research. review by Charles F. Wilkes P. William Filby. American & British Genealogy & Heraldry: A Selected List of Books. review by Rodney Hartwell Letters, Magazine Evaluations, Surname Interests, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #12
Published as The Colonial Genealogist, Vol. 3, No. 4, Issue #12 in April 1971, 68pp., including: Redfern-Redfearn-Redfarrin, A Genealogical Survey, by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS Identification of Abel Mattoon, Minuteman and Revolutionary War Soldier, by Dorothy Johns, FM Lineages: #16: Thayer of Massachusetts (Richard Thayer who settled in Massachusetts 1641), by Ruth Thayer Ravenscroft #17: Stetson of Massachusetts #18: Chapman of Massachusetts (with notes on the families of Throop, Gray, Merrick, Warren, Church, Parke, Chesebrough, Stanton, and Lord) #19: Blackman of Massachusetts #20: Mattoon of Massachusetts Who’s Who in Genealogy: Elizabeth Vanderveer Barker Letters, Corrections, Surname Interests, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #13
Published as The Colonial Genealogist, Vol. IV, No. 1, Issue #13 in Summer 1971, 68pp., including: The Will of Abraham Wood Analyzed by Allen Cabaniss El Primer Párvulo de Razón by Rudecina Lo Buglio, FAS Pratt, Additions and Corrections by Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS Lineages: #21: Crosland of South Carolina (Edward Crosland who settled in South Carolina 1770), by Margaret McLaurin Ricaud Kelly #22: Fitz Randolph, by Rev. Emmett Moore Waits, OAE #23: Dunham, by Rev. Emmett M. Waits, OAE #24: Fay of Massachusetts (John Fay who settled in Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1656), by Fay Oliver Conley, FAS Killam Revisited, by Dorothy F. Thompson, CG Who’s Who in Genealogy: June Beverly, Terry Barekman Magazines-Journals-Newsletters and Bulletins Genealogies in Print News and Notes, Book Reviews, Queries, Lineage Problems, Surname Interests, Blazons and Notes, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #14
Published as The Colonial Genealogist, Vol. IV, No. 2, Issue #14 in Fall 1971, 68pp., including: Lineages: #25: Carter of Lancaster Co., Virginia and of Tennessee, by Mrs. McAlister Elliott, FAS/hc #26: Cummins of Delaware (Timothy Cummins who settled in Dover, the Three Lower Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex-on-the-Delaware, Province of Pennsylvania 1731), by Mrs. C. Raymond Cumins, FAS #27: Hubbell of Connecticut, and Nine Related Lineages: Brewster, Coggeshall, Anthony, Tyng, Van Buren, Lookermans, Adams, Hayden, and Allen/Allyn, by Grahame Thomas Smallwood Jr., FAS #28: Brewster #29: Coggeshall #30: Anthony #31: Tyng #32: Van Buren #33: Lookermans #34: Adams #35: Hayden #36: Allen/Allyn Book Reviews: California Pioneer Registers and Index, 1542-1848 by Hubert Howe Bancroft Henry Cavinis: The Immigrant Infant and Some of His Descendants by Alloa Caviness Anderson The Mudd Family of the United States by Richard D. Mudd, MD Letters, Lineage Problems, News and Notes, Genealogies in Print, Queries, Surname Interests, etc. |