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Colonial Genealogist #49

Category: Back Issues » Colonial Genealogist Back Issues

Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 10, 1989, 22pp (73–94)

  • Dungan Royal Ancestry? by Burrell C. Lawson
  • Mauser: Early Settlers of Lincoln (now Catawba) County, North Carolina, by Karen P. Neuforth, FSO, MAS
  • Wicca Study Circle, Colonial Witches and Witchcraft Study Group
  • Ancestry of Sarah Sims Hartsfield to Edward III, King of England, by James T. McConnell, FSO, SDLKJ, ODI, OC
  • Whither Goest Thou—Beatrice? by Chris Velline, FAS, FSO
  • Lineage Problems:
    • Adrian and variations
    • Williams-Deane-White-Briggs
  • Queries, surnames, etc.
members price: $3.20