The Augustan Omnibus #135
Published as The Augustan Omnibus issue #135 (XXXVI:1), June 2020, 48pp. Fifty Years Ago in The Augustan: “Kings with Empires — Empires without Emperors” by Prof. Georges de Boné “‘Stars and Stripes’ from ‘Mullets and Bars’” by Stephen J. Humphreys “The Concept of Knighthood in the Modern World” by Wilson Van Dusen, PhD, MRE “A Continuation of Paget's Ancestry of the Prince of Wales, Part XXVI” by Arthur Germond, FAS Book Reviews: Phillips, David F. The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series Publication No. 2: Emblems of the Indian States. review by Joseph Uphoff. Clark, Samuel. Distributing Status: The Evolution of State Honours in Western Europe. review by LCDR Nick Hoffmann, FAS Editorial |
Colonial Genealogist #45
The Colonial Genealogist issue #45 (XII:3) 1985, 51pp. Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. The English Birth and Ancestry of Cornelius Dabny (1631–1693/4) of Virginia. (CG45-107) Carlton A. Palmer, Jr. Genealogical Gleanings of the Early Palmer Families of Mew England and Some Circumstantial Conclusions Regarding the Origin of William Palmer of Plymouth Colony. (CG45-112) Stanley E. Moore. A Ruble Update. (CG45-119) Karen P. Neuforth, MAS, cont. Colonial Revolutionary Era Marriage Bonds Amherst County, Virginia, 1763–1782. (CG45-132) Queries: (CG45-143) Surname Interest Listings. (CG45-149) Ancestral lines: Snow(e). Diane Watson. (CG45-153) Bremner/Bremmer. Lila C. Bremmer.(CG45-154) Registered Genealogists. (CG45-155) Surnames: Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Andrew, Arledge, Ayrs, Bailey, Baley, Ballard, Ballenger, Ballou, Ballowe, Banister, Banks, Barnes, Barnett, Baset, Bassett-Palmer, Bassett, Bathhurst, Batts, Beane, Beckley, Becknall, Beckwith, Bell, Besett, Beville, Bickmore, Blain, Blair, Blakemore, Blanchard, Bolling, Bond, Bott, Boune, Bowler, Boyce, Boykin, Boyle, Bradford, Brame, Brasseur, Brazure, Bremmer, Bremner, Brewster, Briggs, Brigham, Brown, Bryan, Buleson, Burgess, Burgis, Burnet, Burnett, Burros, Burt, Burton, Bush, Bushrod, Cabrera, Caffrey, Caldwell, Callahan, Camp, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamniss, Childres, Childress, Childriss, Chiles, Christian, Clark, Clarke, Clausen, Clearwater, Coan, Coggeshall, Cole, Colie, Comstock, Cook, Coward, Cox, Coxton, Craig, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Crow, Croxton, Curtis, Cutler, d’Aubeney, d’Aubigne, d’Aulnay, Dabney, Dabny, Dale, Dalrymple, Dalton, Darneille, Daubeny, Daubney, Davis, Dawbney, Dawson, de Berry, deAlneto, Denison, Dennis, Deyo, Dick, Dillard, Dinguid, Dinwiddie, Dodge, Donalson, Drury, Duffie, Duffy, Duglas, Durham, Dyche, Dytche, Eades, Edminson, Edminston, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edmonson, Edmonton, Edwards, Ellis, Emerson, Evans, Everhart, Farr, Farrar, Farren, Fauntleroy, Fayton, Feake, Feg, Fishback, Fisher, Fitz-Osmond, Fitzhugh, Flagg, Fleck, Flood, Fortune, Foster, Franklin, Frizzell, Gaines, Gains, Galaspie, Galespey, Galespie, Garland, Garrot, Gatewood, Gilbert, Gillaspie, Glaze, Goodwin, Gradwell, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Grefe, Gregory, Griffin, Gwynn, Hall, Hamilton, Hamm, Hansbrough, Harding, Haregrove, Hargrove, Harold, Harper, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hartgrove, Hartwell, Harvey, Harvie, Hastings, Hatley, Hawkins, Heard, Heath, Heister, Helm, Henderson, Henig, Hennage, Herd, Higgenbotham, Higginbotham, Hill, Hind, Hobart, Hoffman, Hohimer, Holder, Homewood, Horsley, Houk, Hudson, Huffman, Hufman, Hughs, Hunting, Hurd, Hyde, Hyer, Irvin, Irwin, Jacobs, Jameson, Jewell, Joblin, Jobling, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jopling, Jordan, Jung, Kannon, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennon, Key, Kingsbury, Knowles, Laine, Lamaster, Lamb, Landrum, le Palmarius, le Palmer, le Palmere, Lee, Leitch, Letcher, Lewis, Lidford, Littell, Lockwood, Loving, Lutz, Lyle, Lyon, Mallory, Manly, Mansfield, Martain, Martin, Marty, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Mayes, Mays, McAlexander, McCabe, McCamant, McCarter, McClean, McCullock, McDaniels, McDowell, McElrath, McGowen, McNaught, McNeely, McNieley, Mechaux, Meeker, Mehone, Meisner, Mercer, Meriwether, Merrill, Michaux, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milstead, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morral, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Muffitt, Murphey, Musthill, Myles, Nemo, Nevels, Nevil, Nevill, Niles, Nimmo, Nimo, Norton, Oglesbey, Oldage, Orr, Osborn, Owen, Paddock, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Park, Parr, Patterson, Pattison, Payne, Peabody, Peckham, Penn, Perkins, Phillips, Philpott, Pierce, Pinney, Pollard, Porter, Powell, Powill, Pratt, Pray, Prescott, Price, Purcell, Pursel, Pursley, Putnam, Quarles, Rae, Rawdon, Read, Reade, Redington, Reed, Reid, Rice, Richmond, Riley, Rise, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodes, Rogers, Ronayne, Ronayne, Rose, Rossiter, Ruble, Ryan, Sale, Savage, Sawyer, Scofield, Scofield, Scott, Secrist, Shaw, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherwood, Ship, Simonds, Simons, Simson, Skinner, Sloan, Smith, Smoot, Snow, Snowe, Spring, St. John, Stadtmiller, Stamforth, Stanhope, Staples, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevins, Stewart, Stovall, Stratton, Stradley, Stringer, Stringer, Sutherland, Sweete, Taliaferro, Tankersley, Tarrant, Tayler, Tease, Terrant, Thomas, Thurmond, Tilman, Tripp, Trowbridge, Trumbull, Turner, Tyler, Upshaw, Vanhouten, Vaughan, Veale, Wade, Waggoner, Walker, Waller, Ware, Warren, Warwick, Waterbury, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webster, White, Whitehead, Wiatt, Wilcox, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wing, Winkler, Witt, Wood, Woods, Wright, Yancey, Yates, Young, Young, Ziegler. |
Colonial Genealogist #35
The Colonial Geneaolgist Issue #35 (X:1) Oct. 1979, 70pp. Some Sherman Lines by Bertha L. Stratton, FAS (CG35-4) Some Descendants of George Stafford of North Carolina, of the Counties Now Called Washington and Alamance, Ancestor of Thomas Patten Stafford the Astronaut by Robert Joseph Curfman, MA, FAS/hc (CG35-13) The Custis Family of Virginia Part III: Seaside or Custis Neck Branch, by Nora Miller Turman, CG, FAS/hc (CG35-25) The Pratt Family by Dame Mildred Rania, DCR, OAE (CG35-31) Family of Ulrich Stauffer/Stover of Virginia and Pennsylvania, Part II by Sheila Spencer Stover, MAS (CG35-47) Ancestral Lines: #32: Hendrikson Van Doesburgh, Hendricks, Dusenbury, Thorn, Fowler, Woolsey, Coe, Anderson, Blauvelt, Wright, Formhals, Yates, Peters (CG35-53) #33: Yates, Staniard, Randolph, Jameson, Risley, Osborne, Knowland, Formhals (CG35-54) #34: Hambscher, Marschali, Hamcher, Hackmanin, Hamsher, Waldman, Hampsher, Anderson, Smith, Golden (CG35-55) #35: Hohwetder (Howerter), Hurrenmayer, Hochwarter, Krohn, Bastrus, Hinderliter, Zeigler, Kerstetter (CG35-56) Reviews and Notices of Publications: Bradley B. Ridge. The Bateman Connection. review by Irene Haines (Mrs. John D.) Leet and Edmund Miller, PhD. (CG35-58a) Robert M. Sherman, FASG, ed. Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol. II. review by Neil D. Thompson, FASG, FAS. (CG35-58b) Earl G. Core. The Monongalia Story: A Bicentennial History. review by Patricia D. Kirkwood, FAS. (CG35-59) Queries. (CG35-60) Surname Interest Listings. (CG35-67) News & Notes. Rodney Hartwell, FAS/hc. (CG35-70) |
Colonial Genealogist #46
The Colonial Genealogist issue #46 (XII:4) 1986, 22pp. Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 7. Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. You and I Really Cousins? or, How Many Ancestors Did We Have in AD 1 and in 1700 BC? (CG46-74) J. Mason Grove, FAS. The Hazards of Chivalry: A Happening in Lancaster County, Virginia 307 Years Ago. (CG46-78) Dollye McAlister Elliott. Captain Thomas Carter of “Barford,” Lancaster County, Virginia: A Second View. (CG46-79) Charles Recker, FSO. Some American Descendants of The Prophet Mohammed. (CG46-81) Augustan Society Library Emigrant Card Files: Part I: A-I, Colonial Emigrants. (CG46-83) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II. Additional Notes on the English Ancestry of Cornelius Dabney (1631–1693/4) of Virginia. (CG46-88) Ancestral Lines: Hopper, Hendricks, Paulus, Quackenbush, Cuyper, Sanford, Smith, Gilimor, Hampsher, Golden. Elizabeth H. Hampsher Yaw. (CG46-90) Queries. (CG45-91) Surname Interest Listings. (CG45-93) |
Colonial Genealogist #9
The Colonial Genealogist issue #9 (III:1) July 1970, 68pp. First issue by this title, formerly The Beetle Gazette. Rod Hartwell and Pat Hartwell. Introduction. (CG9-3) Who’s Who in Genealogy: 1: Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS, née Mildred Irwin Dick. (CG9-6) 2: Dr. Elmer Garfield Van Name. (CG9-8) 3: Doña Matilde Cabrera a Ipiña de Corsi de la Maza. (CG9-10) Larry B. Barnes, BA; Patricia Crossland Hartwell, BA; and Rodney E. Hartwell, BA. Teaching Genealogy: A Course Outline. (CG9-12) Selecting Genealogical Handbooks. (CG9-18) Magazine Evaluations: Quarterly Bulletin of the Seattle Genealogical Society. (CG9-20) Stirpes. (CG9-21) Genealogical Reference Builders Newsletter. (CG9-21) Guides for Contributors. (CG9-22) Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Introduction to the Lineages. (CG9-24) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #1: Waits of Virginia. (CG9-25) Lineage #2: Griffith of Pennsylvania. (CG9-35), by Dorothy F. Thompson, CG Lineage #3: Chávez of New Mexico (CG9-45), by Fray Angélico Manuel Gómez Durán y Chávez Roybal y Torrado, OFM Blazons and Notes. (CG9-58) |
Colonial Genealogist #10
The Colonial Genealogist issue #10 (III:2) October 1970, 68pp. Rod Hartwell and Pat Hartwell. Editor's Comments. (CG10-71) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #4: Cervantes of New Spain. (CG10-73) Lineage #5: Blackiston of Maryland and Delaware by Mrs. Clarence Raymond Cummins (née Frances Wingate Davis, FAS. (CG10-85) Lineage #6: Hull of Massachusetts. Miss Dorothy Mae Johns, PhB, MS, FAS (CG10-91) Lineage #7: Pratt of Massachusetts. Mrs. Joseph F. Rania, BA, FAS, FSA Scot. (CG10-103) Lineage #8: Riggs of Massachusetts. Hayward Carroll Parrish, Jr., FAS. (CG10-113) Blazons and Notes. (CG10-120) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #4: The Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, ChLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. (CG10-121) Magazine evaluations North Texas Pioneer. (CG10-122) Pennsylvania Gen. Magazine. (CG10-122) American Pioneers. (CG10-123) Revista Genealogica Latina. (CG10-123) Gleanings. (CG10-123) Book Review Section: F. Edward Hulme. The History Principles and Practice of Heraldry. (CG10-124) Eugene Zieber. Heraldry in America. (CG10-124) Winston De Ville. Louisiana Troops: 1720–1770. (CG10-124) Edward W. Callahan, ed. List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900... (CG10-124) Par E. Z. Massicotte and Regis Roy. Armoira du Canada Français. (CG10-125) Elizaabeth F. Ellet. The Women of the American Revolution. (CG10-126) Letters. (CG10-128) |
Colonial Genealogist #11
The Colonial Genealogist issue #11 (III:3) January 1971, 68pp. (137–204). Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG11-138) Vicenta Cortés Alonso. The Archive of the Indies. (CG11-141) Rodney Hartwell. Hispano-Americana: A Brief Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Genealogy-Heraldry. (CG11-148) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #9: Browne/Brown of Connecticut. by William Morris Brown. (CG11-153) Lineage #10: Rapalje of New Netherlands. by Leslie Aulls Bryan. (CG11-157) Lineage #11: Cabanis/Cabaniss of Virginia and Alabama. by Prof. James Allen Cabaniss. (CG11-160) Lineage #12: Wynne-Wynn-Winn of Virginia. (CG11-164) Lineage #13: Killam of Massachusetts & Nova Scotia. by Henry Lawrence Killam Wilson. (CG11-167) Lineage #14: Edelen of Maryland. by Crolian William Edelen, FAS. (CG11-173) Lineage #15: Lawrence of Massachusetts. by Helen Abbott Douglas North. (CG11-178) Blazons and Notes. (CG11-182) Who’s Who in Genealogy #5: The Chev. Harry Wright Newman, KLJ, MCinn, FAS. (CG11-183) St. Joseph's Manor, alias Beckwith Manor, St. Mary's County, Maryland: A Maryland Ghost Story. (CG11-177) Book Reviews: Warren L. March. Search and Retrieval: The Application of Data Processing to Genealogical Research. review by Charles F. Wilkes. (CG11-185) P. William Filby. American & British Genealogy & Heraldry: A Selected List of Books. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG11-186) Magazine Evaluations: Antepasados. (CG11-188) French Canadian & Acadian Gen. Rev. (CG11-188) Bulletin, Maryland Gen. Society. (CG11-189) Illinois State Gen. Society Q. (CG11-189) Louisiana Genealogical Register. (CG11-189) Surname Interests. (CG11-190) Letters, Magazine Evaluations, Surname Interests, etc. |
Colonial Genealogist #12
The Colonial Genealogist issue #12 (III:4) April 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG12-207) Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, OLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. Redfern-Redfearn-Redfarrin: A Genealogical Survey. (CG12-209) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #16: Thayer of Massachusetts. by Ruth Thayer Ravenscroft (CG12-225) Lineage #17: Stetson of Massachusetts. (CG12-229) Lineage #18: Chapman of Massachusetts. (CG12-230) Lineage #19: Blackman of Massachusetts. (CG12-233) Lineage #20: Mattoon of Massachusetts. (CG12-242) Dorothy Mae Johns. Identification of Abel Mattoon, Minuteman and Revolutionary War Soldier, (CG12-238) Who’s Who in Genealogy #6: Elizabeth Vanderveer Barker (Mrs. Russell Francis Barker). (CG12-256) Letters & Corrections. (CG12-258) Surname Interests. (CG12-260) |
Colonial Genealogist #13
The Colonial Genealogist issue #13 (IV:1) Summer 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG13-3) Prof. Allen Cabaniss. The Will of Abraham Wood Analyzed. (CG13-4) Doña Rudecina Lawrence de Lo Buglio, FAS. El Prímer Párvulo de Razón. (CG13-9) Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, OLJ, FAS, FSA Scot. Pratt: Additions and Corrections. (CG13-13) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #21: Crosland of South Carolina. by Margaret McLaurin Ricaud Kelly. (CG13-16) Lineage #22: Fitz Randolph. by Rev. Emmett Moore Waits, OAE. (CG13-18) Lineage #23: Dunham. by Rev. Emmett M. Waits, OAE. (CG13-18) Lineage #24: Fay of Massachusetts, Part 1. by Fay Oliver Conley, FAS. (CG13-56) Dorothy F. Thompson, CG. Killam Revisited. (CG13-26) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #7, June Beverly Terry Barekman. (CG13-29) News & Notes. (CG13-31) Book Review Section: Mary Newton Stanard. Colonial Virginia: Its People and Customs. review by Charles Hughs Hamlin, CG. (CG13-32) William Beidelman. The Story of Pennsylvania Germans. Mrs. Joseph J. Rania, FAS. (CG13-32) L. W. Rigsby. Historic Georgia Families. review by Rodney Hartwell. ((CG13-33) Sanford Charles Gladden. Ancestry of Dr. Jonathan Fay Gay (1810-1867) of Framingham, Massachusetts. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-33) Irene H. Charley. The Romance of the Charley Family. reveiw by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-33) Geraldine Hartshorn Wheeler, compiler. Atheling's Journal, Occasional Papers, No. 1, 1971. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) June B. Barekman. Direct Lineage of the Ancestral Lines of Gustav Oleson and Anna Olsdatter.... review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Enid Eleanor Adams, compiler. Our Bateman Ancestry. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Jesse Harold Neal and Mary Haller Neal. John Wesley Neal, Descendants and Ancestors 1653 to 1968: A Genealogy. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-34) Frances Hansen Ehrig. A Williams Chronicle: Descendants of Thomas Williams of Sullivan County, New York, and Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.... review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Hubert L. Perry. The Family Tree of Daniel Perry: 1704-1970. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Robert E. McDonald. Clan Donald. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG13-35) Magazines, Journals, Newsletters, and Bulletins: Boone's Sierra Echos. (CG13-36) The Tallow Light. (CG13-36) ¿Cuestiones? (CG13-36) Genealogies in Print. (CG13-37) Queries. (CG13-39) Lineage Problems. (CG13-45) Surname Interests. (CG13-47) Rodney Hartwell. Blazons and Notes. (CG13-61) |
Colonial Genealogist #14
The Colonial Genealogist issue #14 (IV:2) Fall 1971, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG14-71) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #25: Carter of Lancaster County, Virginia, and of Tennessee. by Mrs. McAlister Elliott, FAS/hc. (CG14-72) Lineage #26: Cummins of Delaware, by Mrs. C. Raymond Cumins, FAS. (CG14-81) Lineage #27: Hubbell of Connecticut, and Nine Related Lineages. by Grahame Thomas Smallwood Jr., FAS. (CG14-85) Lineage #28: Brewster-Pickett-Noyes-Comstock-McCall-Hubbell. (CG14-87). Lineage #29: Coggeshall. (CG14-88) Lineage #30: Anthony-Mason-Frink-Pheatt-Hubbell. (CG14-89) Lineage #31: Tyng-Brattle-Oliver-Ellsworth-Hayden-Hubbell. (CG14-90) Lineage #32: Van Buren-Van Deusen-Muller-Frink. (CG14-91) Lineage #33: Lookermans-Muller-Van Deusen. (CG14-92) Lineage #34: Adams-Thayer-Legge-Parmelee-Hubbell. (CG14-93) Lineage #35: Hayden-Ellsworth-Tyng. (CG14-94) Lineage #36: Allen/Allyn. (CG14-94) Letters. (CG14-96) Lineage Problems. (CG14-102) News & Notes. (CG14-104) Genealogies in Print. (CG14-106) Book Review Section: Hubert Howe Bancroft. California Pioneer Registers and Index, 1542-1848. review by Mrs. J. J. Lo Buglio. (CG14-107) Alloa Calviness Anderson. Henry Cavinis: The Immigrant Infant and Some of His Descendants. review by Allen Cabaniss. (CG14-108) Richard D. Mudd, MD. The Mudd Family of the United States. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG14-109) Frank Nellis Parshall and Homer Leroy Parshall. To and From James and Catherine Parshall. review by Rodney Hartwell. (CG14-109) Queries. (CG14-110) Surname Interests. (CG14-120) |
Colonial Genealogist #15
The Colonial Genealogist issue #15 (IV:3) Winter 1972, 68pp. Rodney Hartwell and Patricia Hartwell, eds. Editors' Comments. (CG15-139) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #37: Moore of Kent Co., Maryland and of Kentucky. by Rev. Emmett M. Waits, FAS. (CG15-140) Lineage #38: Warren of Massachusetts. by Peyton Sagendorf Moncure, FAS. (CG15-147) Lineage #39: Rapalje of New Netherlands. by Donald Joseph Van Winkle. (CG15-152) Lineage #40: Walichs-Van Winkel/Winkle of New Netherlands, by Donald Joseph Van Winkle. (CG15-152) Lindsay S. Reeks. In Pursuit of William Hartwell, The Immigrant. (CG15-158) Who’s Who in Genealogy: #8, Leslie Gilbert Pine, FAS. (CG15-161) News & Notes. (CG15-162) Genealogies in Print. (CG15-165) Book Reviews by R.H.: Old Briery Church, Prince Edward County, Virginia (reprint). (CG15-166) Marilyn Tone Gray. And Now We Are Many. (CG15-166) Clarence C. Fuller. Records of Robert Fuller of Salem and Rehoboth and Some of His Descendants. (CG15-166) Nahum Mitchell. History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.... (CG15-166) Mary Ellenore Stafford Bowman, comp.. Descendants of Isaac Van Tuyl, Sr., and Mary McCarter of Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. (CG15-167) William Kenneth Rutherford and Anna Clay (Zimmerman) Rutherford, comps. Genealogical History of the Rutherford Family. (CG15-167) William Kenneth Rutherford and Anna Clay (Zimmerman) Rutherford, comps.. Genealogical Histor of our Ancestors. (CG15-167) Marvin J. Pearce, Sr., comp. Benedict Pioneers in Kentucky. (CG15-168) Marvin J. Pearce, Sr., comp. Pearce Pioneers in Kentucky.... (CG15-168) Mrs. Murle R. Seitz. West, Barker, Hodges, New York to Wisconsin: 1836-1846. (CG15-168) West Central Kentucky Family Research Association. Kentucky Family Records, Volume I: 1969-1970. (CG15-168) Catalogue of the Genealogical and Historical Library of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York (reprint). (CG15-169) Letters. (CG15-170) Lineage Problems. (CG15-172) Queries. (CG15-173) Surname Interest Listings. (CG15-192) |
Colonial Genealogist #16
The Colonial Genealogist issue #16 (IV:4) Spring 1972, 72pp. Rodney Hartwell, ed. Lineage Problems: Good or Bad? (CG15-207) Rodney Hartwell, ed. The Colonial Families. (CG15-208) Colonial Families of the Americas: Lineage #41 (Part 1): Allis of Hatfield, Massachusetts; Dudley of Guilford, Connecticut; Johns of Clarendon, Vermont; with Sexton, Wallston and others, by Dorothy M. Johns, FAS. (CG15-209) Lineage #42: Mires-Miers of Delaware. by Maynard Harold Mires, Jr. FAS/hc. (CG15-220) Lineage #43: The Reneau-Reno Family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, by Mrs. McAlister Elliott, FAS/hc. (CG15-226) Lineage #24 (Part 2): Fay of Massachusetts, by Fay Oliver Conley, FAS. (CG13-56) Research Aids. (CG15-237) News & Notes. (CG15-238) Surname Interest Listings. (CG15-244) Queries. (CG15-254) Lineage Problems. (CG15-253) |