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Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the USA #1
Published by the Heraldry Society of the U.S.A. as Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the United States of America, Number 1 in March 1995, 12pp., including: The Heraldry Society of the U.S.A.: A Short History by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Some Ecclesiastical Arms by The Rev. Sir James Parker, KtB(Y) Heraldry in America: An Introduction by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Guide to Heraldic Usage Part I: The Augustan Society, Inc. by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Editorial, notices, etc.
Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the USA #2
Published by the Heraldry Society of the U.S.A. as Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the United States of America, Number 2 in June 1995, 12pp., including: Sir Anthony Wagner: 1908 to 1995 Review: Heraldry, An Internatinoal Journal by The Augustan Society Guide to Heraldi Usage, Part II: The Augustan Society, Inc. by Sir Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y) Heraldry in America: Some Comments by Charles H. Anderson, FSO, FASH Heraldry and Knighthood by Louis Mendola Editorial, errata, etc.