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Beetle Gazette #1
The Beetle Gazette #1 (I:1) August 1967, 34 pp. Michael Ashcroft. Canfield Parish Registers: References to the name Hartwell between 1600 and 1700. (BG1-3) Michael Ashcroft. Leighton Buzzard Parish Register; References to the name Hartwell between 1571 and 1655. (BG1-5) Michael Ashcroft. Billington Parish Register; References to the name Hartwell 1611-1612. (BG1-6) Michael Ashcroft. Odell Parish Registers: References to the name Hartwell 1600 to 1812. (BG1-7) Fourth Baronette Hartwell. Extract from The History of the Family of Hartwell. (BG1-11) John G. Miles, Esq. Sundry London Hartwell References. (BG1-12) John G. Miles, Esq. Inquisitions Post Mortem. (BG1-15) John G. Miles, Esq. Close Rolls. (BG1-16) John G. Miles, Esq. Some Ancient Charters. (BG1-18) John G. Miles, Esq. Extracts and Notes from the Catalogue of Bedford County Record Office. (BG1-19) P. Amos. "The Fourth Bell" from Northampton Chronicle & Echo, 8 Nov. 1967. (BG1-23) William Hartwell of Preston. Testa­ment of William Hartwel, d. 1503. (BG1-24) Jasper Hartwell of Preston. Abstract of Will of Jasper Hartwell of Preston Co., Northant., 15 January 1578. (BG1-25) Abstracts of Hartwell Wills from Bedford County Record Office. (BG1-26) Index to surnames other than Hartwell. (BG1-28)
Beetle Gazette #2
Published as The Beetle Gazette Issue #2 (I:2), 46pp. Hartwell Wills in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury (1383–1700). (BG2-37) The First Virginia Hartwells. (BG2-39) Armorials of Some Virginia Families. (BG2-41) Henry Hartwell. The Will of Henry Hartwell of Stepney, and Virginia. (BG2-42) John G. Miles, esq. Some Notes and Observations on the Harleian Pedigrees of Hartwell. (BG2-43) Some Notes Concerning the Visitation Arms for Hartwell. (BG2-55) Sundry Visitation References to Hartwell. (BG2-57) Michael Ashcroft, esq. Parish Register Extracts. (Bedfordshire, Northampton), (BG2-58) Index to Surnames other than Hartwell. (BG2-73) Index of Armorials. (BG2-75) Index of Parish Registers Searched for Hartwell Entries. (BG2-76)
Beetle Gazette #3
Published as The Beetle Gazette, Issue #3 (I:3), February 1968, 46pp. Michael Ashcroft, esq.; John Coker; and Raymond K. Harris; John G. Mills; Mrs. D. Warren; and Jean R. Wormwalt. Parish Register Extracts from Northamptonshire, Rutland, Bedford, Buckinghamshire, London, and misc. parish extracts). (BG3-82) Mrs. D. Warren. Corrections and Additions to Volume 14, numbers 1 and 2. (BG3-116) Index of Parishes Searched for Hartwell entries to February 1968. (BG3-118) Index to Surnames other than Hartwell. (BG3-122)
Colonial Genealogist #4
Published as The Beetle Gazette issud #4 (I:4) May 1968, 56pp. Rodney E. Hartwell, FAS. Editorial John Coker. Result of Searches in England. (BG4-130) Mrs. Dorothy Warren. Additions, Correctionss, and Comments. (BG4-159) Cumulative Index of Parishes Searched for Hartwell (and Variant) Entries. (BG4-161) Cumulative Index of Surnames other than Hartwell. (BG4-168 Errata for Volume I of the Beetle Gazette. (BG4-178)
Colonial Genealogist #7
Hartwell Wills, Administrations and Charters