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Augustan Society Information Bulletin #19
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #19 (VIII:10) October 1965, 40pp. Editorial: Weep, Athena, Weep! (ASIB19-2) The Medal of Membership of The Augustan Society. (ASIB19-3) Rodney E. Hartwell. Election of Fellows of the Society. (ASIB19-4) Carl Alexander von Volborth, FAS. Coronets and Crowns. (ASIB19-5) Lawrence B. Barnes. Genealogy, R. I. P. (ASIB19-15) The VII International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry. (ASIB19-17) Forest E. Barber KCN, KMT. Witchcraft and Heraldry. (ASIB19-18) Scandal! reprint from Hidalguia on the Commission of Orders of Chivalry (ICOC). (ASIB19-26) Correction to: The Greek Order of Saint Dennis of Zante. (ASIB18-3) Letters: F. B. Koepnick. re: The Mystery Army of World War II. (ASIB18-16) 1st Lt. R. C. Walker, USAF. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Book Reviews: Hubert Cole. First Gentleman of the Bedchamber: The Life of the Duc de Richelieu, 1696-1788. review by FEB. (ASIB19-28a) Leonard Mosley. Haile Selassie: The Conquering Lion. review by FEB. (ASIB19-28b) Prof. J. A. Reynolds. Heraldry and You. review by F. B. Koepnick. (ASIB19-28c) R. Gayre of Gayre and Nigg. The Armorial Who Is Who: 1963-1965. (ASIB19-29)
Colonial Genealogist #51
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #51 (XIV:1) 1990, 20ppb)b. (69–88). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 12. Queries. (CG51-69a) Surname Interest Listings. (CG51-69b) William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: A Beginning Series: (CG51-70a) Remnants. (CG51-70b) What Does an Indian Look Like? (CG51-71) They Would Make Fine Servants. (CG51-73) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, FAS. Colonel Nathaniel Littleton (1605–1654) of Virginia's Eastern Shore. (CG51-80) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, FAS. A Captain from Salem. (CG51-81) Queries and Surname Interest Listings: Policies and Procedures. (CG51-82)
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #20
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #20 (VIII:11) November 1965, 32pp. Editorial: Dictatorship, Anyone? (ASIB20-2) Elmer J. Buggins, ORT. The Noble Order of the Round Table. (ASIB20-3) Changes in Vatican Uniforms. (ASIB20-4) The Order of the Stars and Bars. (ASIB-5a) Karl Friedrich von Frank. The Use of “Von” and “zu.” (ASIB20-5b) Carl A. von Volborth, FAS. The Achievement. (ASIB20-6) Reviews: The French National Order of Merit. (ASIB20-23a) Rules for the Proper Uses of Heraldry in the United States. (ASIB20-23b) Robin Hyde (pseud of Iris Wilkinson).Check to Your King. (ASIB20-23c) Carolina Lords Proprietor's Account of Disbursements & Receipts: 1663-1666. (ASIB20-23d: C. W. Scott Giles and J.P. Brooke-Little. Boutell's Heraldry, 1963 ed. review by Fessel B. Koepnick. (ASIB20-24) Letters: Donald F. Barry. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Stephen Baron von Hoeller-Bertram. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB. re: Witchcraft and Heraldry. (ASIB19-18) Carl Alexander von Volborth, FAS. re: The use of "chevalier." (ASIB18-21) Society News. (ASIB20-28)
Colonial Genealogist #52
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #52 (XIV:2) 1993, 15pp. (66–80). Published in The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 13. Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Muncy Family. (CG52-66) William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: (CG50-70a) We Are Indians. (CG52-68) Was Great Grandma White? (CG52-70) Judge J. Mason Grove, FAS. Grave of Calvert Believed Found. (CG52-71) Judge J. Mason Grove, FAS. Susan Constant Makes a Splash. (CG52-72) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II, OAE. The One and Only Peter Mountague (1603–1659) of Warfield, Berkshire, England and Nansemond, Isle of Wight, and Lancaster Counties, Virginia. (CG52-73) Donald R. Perkins, KCR. The Order of the First Families of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. (CG52-79)
Colonial Genealogist #53
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #53 (XIV:3) 1993, 23pp. Published in The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 14. William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: (CG50-70a): Trinkets for Wealth: Indian Trade 1493–1676. (CG53-52) Gary Bryant, FAS. Obadiah Holmes: Forgotten Champion of Religious Freedom. (CG53-56) Paul F. Mellen, MD, and M. C. Mellen. A Seventeenth Century Massachusetts Coroner's Autopsy. (CG53-61) Dollye Elliott, FAS/hc. The “Epitaph” of Major Edward Dale of Lancaster County, Virginia. (CG53-62) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Jacksons Travel a Two-Way Path Between Maryland and Delaware. (CG53-64) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II, OAE. Thomas Jefferson Reveals Three More Children of John Chiles. (CG53-67)
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #21
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #21 (VIII:12) December 1965, 43pp. Editorial: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Carl A. von Volborth, FAS. Badges. (ASIB21-4) The Medal of Membership of the Augustan Society. (ASIB21-14) First Award of the Medal of Membership. (ASIB21-15) Gregory E. May. The Descendants of David Evers. (ASIB21-16) R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq., cont. Coronets and Crown for Uncle Sam? (ASIB21-23) A Curious Document: ”Methinks she doth protest too much.” (ASIB21-24) Book Review by Fessel B. Koepnick Esq: The Army Lineage Book Vol. II: Infantry U.S. Army. (ASIB21-30) Vanity of Vanities. (ASIB21-32) News of the Society. (ASIB21-33) Letters: R. Thomas Cheevers. re: Knight Baronet. (ASIB21-35) Paul W. Nichols. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Publications Received and Reviews: Rev. Charles H. Seibert. Memoirs of the Seibert Family. (ASIB21-37a) Prof. Hans Karl Zessner-Spitzenberg. The Last Habsburg Emperor. (ASIB21-37b) Die Krone. (ASIB21-37c) Zehn Jahre Staatsvertrag. (ASIB21-37d) Hidalguia. (ASIB21-38a) The Genealogist's Post. (ASIB21-38b) The Flag Bulletin. (ASIB21-38c) The Medal Collector. (ASIB21-38d) The Greffier. (ASIB21-38e) Legitimist Notes. (ASIB21-38f) The Coat of Arms. (ASIB21-38g)
Colonial Genealogist #54
The Colonial Genealogist issue #54 (XIV:4) 1996, 36pp. Evelyn Jackson Metzler, OAE. The Register Family of Maryland and Delaware. (CG54-1) Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. The MacLemores and the Cherokees: A Bit of Their History. (CG54-3) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Laytons Travel Up the Delmarva Peninsula. (CG54-7) Dorothy Mae Johns. The Ira Sherman Story. (CG54-10) Colonial Families of the Americas: Sherman-Mattoon-Johns. Dorothy Mae Johns, PhB. (CG54-15) Trussell. David Alan Trussell, BS. (CG54-18) From the Editor in Chief. Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y). (CG54-20) Queries for The Colonial Genealogist. (CG54-21) Genealogy on the Web. (CG54-24)
Eastern & Central European Genealogist #1
Published by The Augustan Society as Eastern & Central European Genealogist Number 1, 1977, 49pp., including: Introduction and Comments A Brief Historical Survey of Eastern Europe Research Notes by Country: Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary Yugoslavia Roumania Bulgaria/Albania/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Colonization of Parts of Hungary by German Speaking People, by Barbara KornarS Red Field-White Eagle: An Introduction to Polish Surnames and a Comment on Polish Heraldry, by R.A. Kozlowski Atlas Supplement: Changes of Political Boundaries in Central Europe after 1815, Poland 1939, The Growth of Prussia, Bohemia and Moravia, Hungary, Austria-Hungary Queries, Maps, etc.
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #22
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #22 (IX:1) January 1966, 35pp. Editorial: An American Herald: The Rev. (Dom) William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. (ASIB22-2) Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. St. Benedict and the Concept of Chivalry. (ASIB22-3) R. Thomas Cheevers. News: From Here and There. (ASIB22-5) Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. The Ludlows of Hill-Deverill. (ASIB22-6) Rev. Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. Qvid Sit Nobilitas? (ASIB22-12) R. Thomas Cheevers. Resquiescat in Pace. (ASIB22-13) Rev.  Dom William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. The Carys of Virginia. (ASIB22-14) Letters: William Wilfrid Bayne. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Forest E. Barber, Editor. re: above. (ASIB21-2) Cornelius Dickinson Thomas. re: Coronets and Crown for Uncle Sam? (ASIB21-23) Edward T. Roberts. re: Rupture with the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. (ASIB22-25) 1st Lt. R. O. Walker, USAF. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Harold F. Watson. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Gregory E. May. The American College of Arms. (ASIB22-28b) The Truth Will Out. (ASIB22-28a) News of the Society (ASIB22-29) Review: Matthew's American Armory & Blue Book. review by Fessel B. Koepnick, Esq. (ASIB22-32)
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #23
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #23 (IX:2) February 1966, 44pp. Editorial: Eric von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. (ASIB23-2) Edward J. B. Irving, Esq. The Connections Between some Celebrated Americans and an Ancient Scottish Border Clan. (ASIB23-3) Catherine Foote Moyer. The Line of Bethoc or Beatrice who Married Crinian, the Thane. (ASIB23-6) Catherine Foote Moyer. Some Historic Background to the line of Beatrice and Crinian. (ASIB23-8) R. Thomas Cheevers, Esq. Monarchists Divided. (ASIB23-10) Korean Queen Dies. (ASIB23-11) The Institute for Scientific Orders Research in Berlin (Institut Für Wissenschaftliche Ordenskunde in Berlin). (ASIB23-12) Brian John Stone-Edwards. “Heraldry” and the North American Indian. (ASIB23-14) C. William Edelen. History of the Cecil Family. (ASIB23-15) Forest E. Barber. Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia. (ASIB23-18) Philatelic Research Society. (ASIB23-26) Letters: William Wilfrid Bayne. re: An American Herald: The Rev. (Dom) William Wilfrid Bayne, OSB, FAS. (ASIB22-2) 1st Lt. R. C. Walker, USAF. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Douglas Arter. re: Vanity of Vanities. (ASIB21-32) Brian John Stone-Edwards. re: Rupture with the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. (ASIB22-25) Donald M. Bishop. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Leif Pahlsson. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) Stanley R. M. Fryer. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) News of the Society. (ASIB23-39) Book Reviews: Dr. K.-G. Kleitmann. Pour le Merite und Tapferkeitsmedaille. review by FEB. (ASIB23-40) le Baron Stalins. Vocabulare: Atlas Heraldique, Francais, English, Deutsch, Espanol, Italiano, Nederlandesh. review by F. B. Koepnick, Esq. (ASIB23-41a) Karl Alex. von Volborth. To the Readers of the Augustan Society Information Bulletin. (ASIB23-41b)
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #24
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #24 (IX:3) March 1966, 24pp. Editorial: Morgan Kommt der Ombudsman. (ASIB24-2) Ricardo Lancaster-Jones. A Princely Family of Mexico. (ASIB24-3) M. E. Jetten. The Siege of Malta. (ASIB24-6) Donald M. Bishop. Arms of the Diocese of Connecticut. (ASIB24-9) Forest E. Barber. The Royal Bulgarian Post. (ASIB24-11) Rodney E. Hartwell. Heraldry on Stamps. (ASIB24-16) Luis Leon de la Barra, KM, FAS. Governors of Mexico Having the Order of Malta. (ASIB24-18) News of the Society. (ASIB24-20) Reviews: San Francisco Historic Record and Genealogy Bulletin. IASIB24-19) Roderick Cavaliero. The Last of the Crusaders. (ASIB24-21) John Stoye. The Siege of Vienna. (ASIB24-22a) Klaus W. Jonas. The Life of Crown Prince William. review by FEB. (ASIB24-22b)
Augustan Society Information Bulletin #25
The Augustan Society Information Bulletin issue #25 (IX:4) April 1966, 25pp. Editorial: Why Augustan. (ASIB25-1) What is an Augustan? (ASIB25-2) Rodney E. Hartwell. Services of The Augustan Society. (ASIB25-3) By-Laws of The Augustan Society (1966). (ASIB25-7) Standing Rules. (ASIB25-10) Frank Getlein. Office of Heraldry in the Smithsonian. (ASIB25-13) Letters: A Letter to the Editor: What does it Signify? (ASIB25-15) Mario, Baron di Genova di Salle, KHS. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Dom William Wilfrid Bayne. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Harry Wright Newman. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Carl A. von Volborth, FAS. re: The Adoption of Arms by Americans. (ASIB21-2) Capt. R. Mingo Sweeney, KLJ. re: Monarchists Divided. (ASIB23-10) 1st Lt. Rodney C. Walker, USAF. re: Tottering Thrones and Tiaras. (ASIB18-2) News of the Society. (ASIB25-21)