Colonial Genealogist #48
The Colonial Genealogist issue #48 (XIII:2) 1988, 22pp. (91–112). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 9. Charles Recker, FSO, MAS. Maternal Lines of the Presidents (An Overview). (CG48-24) James Thomas McConnell, FSO, SDLKJ, ODI, OC. Jurian Hartsfelder: America's First Hartsfield. (CG48-28) Carlton A. Palmer, Jr. The William Palmers of Plymouth Colony Revisited: The Two Wives of William Palmer Jr. (2), Another Version. (CG48-33) Rodney Hartwell. Introducing a New Study Group: Colonial Witches and Witchcraft Study Group. (CG48-36) Queries. (CG48-41) Surname Interest Listings. (CG48-43) |
Colonial Genealogist #49
The Colonial Genealogist issue #49 (XIII:3) 1989, 22pp. (73–94). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 10. Burrell C. Lawson. Dungan Royal Ancestry? (CG49-46) Karen P. Neuforth, FSP, MAS. Mauser: Early Settlers of Lincoln (now Catawba) County, North Carolina. (C49-50) Wicca Study Circle, Colonial Witches and Witchcraft Study Group. (CG49-53) James T. McConnell, FSP, SDLKJ, ODI, OC> Ancestry of Sarah Sims Hartsfield to Edward III, King of England. (CG49-54) Chris Velline, FAS, FSO. Whither Goest Thou—Beatrice? (CG49-59) Lineage Problems: Adrian, Adreon, Drion, Adrion, Edron, Edreon, Eddreon. Mrs. Richard C. L. Moncure. (CG49-61a) Williams-Deane-White-Briggs. Rev. Everett F. Briggs. (CG49-61b) Queries. (CG49-63) Surname Interest Listings. (CG49-65) |
Colonial Genealogist #50
The Colonial Genealogist issue #50 (XIII:4) 1990, 22pp. (73–94). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 11. William D. Setzekorn, FAS. Early American Aristocracy. (CG50-68) Dr. Roswell Levi Atwood. The Hereditary Order of the First Families of Massachusetts. (CG50-75) Lt. Col. Oscar H. Stroh, FAS. The Treatment of Indians in Pennsylvania. (CG50-76) Patricia Kirkwood, FAS. The Old Red Mill and David McKinney Clinton, New Jersey. (CG50-78) Queries. (CG50-85) Surname Interest Listings. (CG50-87) |
Colonial Genealogist #51
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #51 (XIV:1) 1990, 20ppb)b. (69–88). Published as part of The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 12. Queries. (CG51-69a) Surname Interest Listings. (CG51-69b) William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: A Beginning Series: (CG51-70a) Remnants. (CG51-70b) What Does an Indian Look Like? (CG51-71) They Would Make Fine Servants. (CG51-73) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, FAS. Colonel Nathaniel Littleton (1605–1654) of Virginia's Eastern Shore. (CG51-80) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, FAS. A Captain from Salem. (CG51-81) Queries and Surname Interest Listings: Policies and Procedures. (CG51-82) |
Colonial Genealogist #52
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #52 (XIV:2) 1993, 15pp. (66–80). Published in The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 13. Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Muncy Family. (CG52-66) William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: (CG50-70a) We Are Indians. (CG52-68) Was Great Grandma White? (CG52-70) Judge J. Mason Grove, FAS. Grave of Calvert Believed Found. (CG52-71) Judge J. Mason Grove, FAS. Susan Constant Makes a Splash. (CG52-72) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II, OAE. The One and Only Peter Mountague (1603–1659) of Warfield, Berkshire, England and Nansemond, Isle of Wight, and Lancaster Counties, Virginia. (CG52-73) Donald R. Perkins, KCR. The Order of the First Families of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. (CG52-79) |
Colonial Genealogist #53
Colonial Genealogy & Research Committee issue #53 (XIV:3) 1993, 23pp. Published in The Augustan Society Omnibus Book 14. William L. Bird III with Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. Native Americans: (CG50-70a): Trinkets for Wealth: Indian Trade 1493–1676. (CG53-52) Gary Bryant, FAS. Obadiah Holmes: Forgotten Champion of Religious Freedom. (CG53-56) Paul F. Mellen, MD, and M. C. Mellen. A Seventeenth Century Massachusetts Coroner's Autopsy. (CG53-61) Dollye Elliott, FAS/hc. The “Epitaph” of Major Edward Dale of Lancaster County, Virginia. (CG53-62) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Jacksons Travel a Two-Way Path Between Maryland and Delaware. (CG53-64) Arden H. Brame, Jr. II, OAE. Thomas Jefferson Reveals Three More Children of John Chiles. (CG53-67) |
Colonial Genealogist #54
The Colonial Genealogist issue #54 (XIV:4) 1996, 36pp. Evelyn Jackson Metzler, OAE. The Register Family of Maryland and Delaware. (CG54-1) Sheila Spencer Stover, FAS. The MacLemores and the Cherokees: A Bit of Their History. (CG54-3) Evelyn Jackson Tubbs Metzler, OAE. The Laytons Travel Up the Delmarva Peninsula. (CG54-7) Dorothy Mae Johns. The Ira Sherman Story. (CG54-10) Colonial Families of the Americas: Sherman-Mattoon-Johns. Dorothy Mae Johns, PhB. (CG54-15) Trussell. David Alan Trussell, BS. (CG54-18) From the Editor in Chief. Rodney Hartwell, KtB(Y). (CG54-20) Queries for The Colonial Genealogist. (CG54-21) Genealogy on the Web. (CG54-24) |